North East Connected

Cygnet Law Supports University Law Clinics

Screen Shot 2015-12-10 at 10.28.41Redcar-based Cygnet Law has expanded its corporate social responsibility credentials by adding its support to Teesside University law clinics.

The University operates a weekly student-led drop-in clinic where people can get advice on matters including divorce, adoption and domestic violence.

The initiative helps deepen students’ knowledge and experience by giving them the opportunity to work on real cases under the supervision of law lecturers and solicitors.

Cygnet Law Solicitor Stacey Phoenix now is attending the clinics on a three weekly basis.

Stacey said: “Cygnet puts great store on getting involved with projects that will benefit the wider community.

“Law students immersing themselves in real cases is a fantastic way for them to develop essential practical knowledge. The availability of experienced and well-informed graduates is crucial to the future of the legal sector.

“It is very rewarding being involved in helping shape the next generation of legal practitioners.”

Andrew Perriman, Senior Law Lecturer, who runs Teesside University Law Clinic, said: “Our law clinic scheme provides invaluable practical training for our students and we are extremely appreciative of the support of legal firms such as Cygnet Law.”

Those seeking legal advice in family cases can drop into the law clinic, which is based in the University’s Clarendon Building, on Wednesday afternoons between 2pm and 4pm.

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