North East Connected

Cancer charity receives special support

NORTH-EAST unlicensed medicines manufacturer, The Specials Laboratory, is giving a local cancer charity a helping hand after nominating it as charity of the year.

Josie’s Dragonfly Trust, which offers life-changing support to young cancer patients who are terminally ill, was selected by the pharmaceutical company’s employees to be the recipient of any monies raised as a result of its fundraising activities in 2017.

The donation from The Specials Laboratory will help Josie’s Dragonfly Trust continue to help families affected by terminal cancer to create happy memories during the time they have together through various initiatives such as cash gifts to pay for special occasions and the Dragonfly Dreams scheme, which gives patients the chance to make their dreams a reality.

The Specials Laboratory, which nominates a different charity each year, has donated tens of thousands of pounds to local causes since its conception in 1999.

Rory Gibson, chair of Josie’s Dragonfly Trust said: “On behalf of the Trustees of Josie’s Dragonfly Trust, our staff, our volunteers and the young people we support, I would like to thank the staff at The Specials Lab for choosing to support us.

“Being selected as the company’s chosen charity for 2017 is so important to us and it will help us grow and plan for our future. The money raised will enable young people faced with very limited time the opportunity to create precious memories with family and friends and the chance to leave their footprint on the world.”

The award-winning manufacturer makes unlicensed medicines – commonly known as specials.  Specials are prescribed when a patient needs a very specific formulation of a drug that isn’t available as a standard licensed medicine. It also supplies hard to source and unusual products to pharmacies called special obtains.

Jan Armstrong, head of marketing at The Specials Laboratory, said: “Josie’s Dragonfly Trust is an incredibly worthwhile cause. Cancer affects so many families so hopefully our fundraising can go on to help a terminally ill patient to do something they’ve always wanted to do with the people they love.

“The work this charity does to support young people in the community and in hospitals can really make a difference to their lives and we’re proud to be able to offer our support.”

Along with the money raised as a result of The Specials Laboratory’s staff fundraising activities throughout the year, the charity will also receive a cash donation from the company.

For more information about The Specials Laboratory please visit

For more information about Josie’s Dragonfly Trust and the work it does visit

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