North East Connected

Council raises awareness of Sexual Exploitation

Two free awareness raising sessions took place in Richmond last week to mark national Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness Day.

Richmondshire District Council teamed up with Safer Richmondshire and North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children’s Board to deliver the March 18 events.

Seventy people from across Richmondshire and the surrounding areas came along – representing a wide range of local statutory, voluntary and community groups as well as local businesses.

District Councillor Louise Dickens who also attended said “Sexual exploitation of children is an abhorrent and despicable crime.

“It is often also an invisible crime that many would not be able to spot or feel confident reporting. And it is also a crime we don’t believe happens where we live or where we go for holidays or entertainment.  

“I am pleased Richmondshire is taking such practical steps towards raising awareness and keen to ensure it is a safe place for everyone”

The NWG Network (formerly The National Working Group for Sexually Exploited Children and Young People)  charity launched its `Say Something if You See Something’ campaign last year – developed with young people, it aims to safeguard vulnerable children and young people by empowering them to identify early indicators of child sexual exploitation.

Say Something also offers a free, 24-hour anonymous phone and SMS helpline – 116 000 – to enable young people to disclose information and seek support.  It was set up to help local businesses – including hotels, takeaways, taxi companies and leisure centres – spot the signs of child sexual exploitation and be more confident about reporting them.

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