North East Connected

Dealing with EU trade sanctions against Russia

New guidelines have been issued to advise companies on dealing with the latest EU trade sanctions against Russia imposed in the light of the situation in eastern Ukraine.

The sanctions will impact most on businesses in the defence sector.  However, the sanctions will also impact on many businesses in the energy sector, particularly if they are involved in deep water oil, Arctic oil and shale oil projects in Russia.

What is happening?

From 1 August, companies and organisations operating within the EU have had to take account of a range of restrictions on doing business with Russia.

These restrictions cover a broad spectrum of areas, from the defence sector to oil and energy companies.

What are the main restrictions?

The last category of sanctions affecting the export of certain sensitive technologies in the energy sector are broad in scope and have the potential to impact on a wide range of businesses which may not have previously been affected by export control issues.  Ward Hadaway has already received enquiries from a number of affected businesses.

Further information on the restrictions, including greater detail on how they apply to companies, the status of contracts signed before the imposition of sanctions and guidelines on compliance, is available by clicking here.

How are the sanctions being policed?

HMRC and the UK Border Force are responsible for ensuring compliance with export controls and trade sanctions and they have a range of measures available to them to ensure compliance.

Companies are being reminded that the unlicensed export of controlled goods is a criminal offence and serious and deliberate evasion of the controls may lead to prosecution.

Are all energy-related activities subject to these restrictions?

The Government has said that while it can give general advice and guidelines on complying with the restrictions relating to the energy sector, it cannot give definitive legal advice on the precise scope of the restrictions and how they apply in individual cases.

As a result, the Government says companies who need precise legal advice in this area “should make their own arrangements”.

How can Ward Hadaway help?

If your company is engaged in activities which may come under these restrictions or you are in the process of concluding agreements in this area, please get in touch.

We are already advising a number of clients on issues surrounding these restrictions and how they apply to their activities.

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