ESTON residents are being encouraged to make sure they’re in good health by getting a Healthy Heart Check.
Taking place at the California Youth and Community Centre on Guisborough Street in Eston on Monday 9 October between 9.00am – 1.00pm and the checks will check your heart health and give lifestyle advice or onward referrals for those at risk of heart disease.
Across Redcar and Cleveland, more than 28,000 residents are unknowingly living with long-term health conditions that can lead to serious health issues in later life. The number of people in the borough dying of heart disease is higher than the national average, with 319 people under the age of 75 dying of coronary heart disease between 2012 & 2014.
The first health check in Ormesby saw more than a dozen residents check their heart health in the Centurion Pub and get tips from a cardiovascular nurse on how they could reduce their risk of heart disease.
It is hoped that locals in Eston coming for a healthy heart check will avoid becoming one of the statistics, with a 20 minute appointment measuring blood pressure, pulse, cholesterol, waist and height, and calculating BMI. A trained nurse will offer health and lifestyle advice.
The aim of the appointment is to give people peace of mind and, in some cases, point them in the right direction for further assistance.
To qualify for the check you need to be:
- Aged between 40-74 years
- Have not had a heart attack or stroke
- Do not have kidney disease or diabetes
- Have not had a healthy heart check/NHS Health check in the last five years
- Not currently on medication for high blood pressure or statins for cholesterol.
Cllr Christopher Massey, Deputy Leader of Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council and a ward councillor for Eston, said: “The Healthy Heart Checks only take 20 minutes and could add years to your life as well as giving you the peace of mind knowing that you are doing something good for your heart health.
“I urge as many Eston residents as possible to book an appointment and come down to the California Youth Centre.”
To book an appointment contact: 01287 612464 or email