North East Connected

Growing In Containers At Stewart Park

Screen Shot 2015-04-15 at 12.45.41BUDDING gardeners can still sign up for a special course at Stewart Park next week.

The Art Of Growing In Containers is aimed at anyone interested in growing fruit, flowers or vegetables in containers.

The course – featuring step by step advice on how to get the best from containers to improve yield and flower numbers – runs from 9.30am to noon on Tuesday, April 21 and costs £7.50 including refreshments.

In the one-off session, Horticultural Advisor Nicky Morgan will cover the whole process from choosing containers and plant selection to growing mediums and daily maintenance tips.

And on Tuesday, May 12, Nicky will be leading a Make Your Own Hanging Basket session. The £15 fee includes basket, liner, compost and refreshments. Plants will be also available on the day to purchase at an extra cost.

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