North East Connected

Help Your Child Cope Better with Remote Learning 

The rise of the pandemic forced countries all over the world to shut down countless sectors; including education. This meant that students could no longer attend physical classes as everyone was forced into self isolation. Of course, school could not come to a complete shutdown, and many families and schools quickly set up methods to make sure that learning continued; and distance learning was implemented. 

With the lift of the lockdown in a lot of places, some schools still offer the choice of distance learning, and parents have the option of signing their kids up for remote learning. This gives parents enough time to devise a workable routine at home which supports their kids’ learning, and also creates a suitable learning environment at home minus the regular distractions. 

Depending on your child’s needs, educational level, and age, you should designate a spot which is solely for studying. Since you know your child best, the spot you pick should depend on their learning methods. For example, a child who prefers to learn in busier places will be able to work with a learning space in the centre of the house; such as the kitchen. However, kids who prefer solitary spaces and quiet while learning would be better off with more isolated spaces such as the attic, or a spare room. Note that if you must set up your child’s learning space in their bedroom, make sure that the child is well disciplined and will not be distracted by the usual toys, games and other items lying about the room. Checkup this article to get more ideas about kids learning space for effective homework for remote learning.

Remote learning means that your child will not have access to the normal learning resources in school such as a learning table, books, worksheets and other materials you can find on different learning portals. In addition to the traditional books and notepads, your kids will also need thing like stands for their iPads, and anti glare glasses to protect their eyes from staring at the screen for too long. Noise cancelling headphones are also perfect for older children who need to concentrate on their work. 

The new schedule will be unsettling for both your child and the rest of the family to get used to. Many schools in line with the switch to distance learning have adjusted their schedules and school calendars. You and your child will need a reminder of the new daily schedules, and you can have that schedule on a whiteboard or chalkboard beside your child’s learning space. Teach your kids that they are in charge of their space, and encourage them to place items in their designated slots after using them. 

Although the internet has most of the learning resources your child needs, there are still a lot of harmful content on the web. Teach them how to stay safe and secure online, and also childproof their computer so that they do not have access to harmful content. Also, keep eye on screen time control to keep your child safe.

Although remote learning is a far cry from the traditional form of learning your child might have been used to before the pandemic, you can help them get more adjusted to the new system of things and stay on track with their education.

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