North East Connected

Newcastle to hold kindness event in light of recent national atrocities

This coming Thursday, Newcastle will be holding an extra special event as the city opens its heart to promote the values of kindness.

The event entitled “Say Your Peace” has been inspired by the community response to the recent terror atrocities in Manchester and London but also by the outpouring of kindness being shown after the Grenfell Tower fire. The event has been organised by Kindness Project and Northumbria Conflict Resolution Network.

The free event is being staged on Thursday June 22nd at Broadacre House, 5th Floor, Market Street, Newcastle from 17:30. Everyone is welcome! Tickets can be booked on the following Eventbrite page

Cllr Joyce McCarty, Deputy Leader of Newcastle City Council, said: “The people of Newcastle are known the world over for their generosity and kindness so where better to host a lovely event like Say Your Peace. Recent events in Manchester and London have brought a level of nervousness, doubt and the unknown to our communities, and anything to promote solidarity can only be a good thing for us all.

“The act of kindness costs nothing but the benefits can be endless. I think if the country tries to emulate and mirror the efforts being delivered by the Kindness Project then society will be a better place for it.”

Kindness Project not only has support from members of the public but the organisation also enjoys support from local and national celebrities. For example, legendary rock singer Bryan Ferry has given the group permission to use his pop music anthem “Let’s Stick Together” to help push the campaign.

The project was started 18-months ago by Sara Lourenco.  The group have organised multiple local events offering skill exchanges with volunteers in the community. They are also visiting a variety of summer festivals spreading kindness to festival goers.

Sara Lourenco, Kindness Project, said: “With events like Say Your Peace we are trying to get people more vocal, to create a community voice that can be heard by all. We also want to encourage collaborative working, friendship, and understanding from people and groups from across the whole region, and ultimately across the whole country especially in these troubled times.

“The act of kindness is beautiful something as simple as a hug, a handshake or a simple hello can make a great difference to someone’s daily life. We just want to get communities to come together and remind people, young and old, how to be kind to one another; and how to take ownership of our communities.”

Thursday’s event will include a variety of keynote speakers from people representing a number of local community organisations including Knockout Sisters, Action Foundation and Helping Homeless Women North East.

‘Say Your Peace’ will provide opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate a few examples of:

•  People working together, not for their own benefit, but to help others in need.
•  People working to build understanding between people, offer friendship and to resolve conflict.
•  People who show us the power of kindness.
•  People who bring us hope.

There will also be a Q&A session where audience members can “have their say”.

Kindness Project hopes ‘Say Your Peace’ will be the first of many events to promote kindness across the region.

The free event takes place on Thursday June 22nd at Broadacre House, 5th Floor, Market Street, Newcastle from 17:30.

You can learn more by visiting Kindness Project Northeast’s Facebook and Twitter pages @kindnessprojectNorthEast @NEKindness

Help spread the word – be kind to your neighbours!

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