North East Connected

Patients urged to get dressed to speed up recovery

VISITING a relative or friend in hospital? Don’t forget to take them some clean day clothes.

That’s the message from South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust as it signs up to the #EndPJparalysis 70 Day Challenge.

The NHS-wide campaign aims to encourage as many patients as possible to get up, get dressed and get moving (where appropriate) to help speed up their recovery.

Research tells us this improves health and shortens the length of time people need to spend in hospital. Older adults can quickly lose mobility and the ability to do everyday tasks such as bathing and dressing. They can also lose up to 5% of muscle strength for every day spent in hospital.

Gill Hunt, Director of Nursing said: “We are urging all our staff to support patients who are well enough to get dressed and get moving. This will ultimately help them feel their best, maintain their independence and get home to their loved ones as quickly as possible.

“Visitors can support us by bringing in a spare set of day clothes for the friend or relative they are visiting as well as good fitting shoes or slippers and any glasses, hearing aids and mobility aids they may require.”

Beth Swanson, Lead Frailty Nurse added: “Getting patients up and dressed helps maintain their muscle strength and aerobic function;  helps lower the risk of infection, pressure ulcers and falls and helps reduce the length of time they have to spend in hospital.”

The 70 day challenge starts today and runs until 26 June 2018, ending shortly before the 70th anniversary of the NHS. Nationally the aim is to clock up one million patient days of patients being up, dressed and moving.

Wards at The James Cook University Hospital, Friarage Hospital and the Trust’s community hospital services will record how many of their patients are dressed and how many are mobile on a daily basis and this data will be added to a live national dashboard.

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