North East Connected

Thinford roadworks set to begin

Motorists are reminded that work to widen a section of the A688 to the east of Thinford Roundabout is set to begin on Monday (16 January).

The scheme, being carried out by Durham County Council, aims to increase capacity at the junction and reduce traffic queues.

It will also include the creation of a new junction, which will provide a right turn lane from the A688 and access to a new development due to open later in the year.

Work is expected to take about three months to complete, during which time the eastbound lane of the A688 will be closed for 200m from the roundabout towards Metal Bridge.

Businesses normally accessed via this section of the road will remain open, with parking provided in the layby to the east of the A167 southbound carriageway approaching Thinford roundabout.

The layby will be closed to other traffic while work is ongoing and will remain closed once the scheme is complete.

A signposted diversion will be in place. Several full closures of the A688 will be required towards the end of the works but further information will be provided nearer the time.

For more information, visit

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