North East Connected

Top Tips to Secure your eCommerce Website in 2019

Nowadays cybersecurity is more relevant than ever. This article will bring you the most up to date tips of what you need in order to secure your enterprise eCommerce website in 2019.

1 – Basic Service Security

Providing a solid security foundation for your eCommerce website is a fundamental part of this process. The following are the bare minimum elements you will require for a basic service-level security:

2 – eCommerce Website Security

Now that you have the essentials in place it’s time to start securing your website from another perspective, the eCommerce platform itself:

3 – High-Level Enterprise Security Hardening

You already have your website up and running, but you may want to go a step further and use optional security services:

4 – Disaster Recovery

Even the best prevention and protection system is subtle to fail, that’s why you need a good action plan for this situations.

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