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Traditional currency versus digital currency

Currency is a system of money used as a mode to exchange goods or services. Traditional currency is the monetary system of a region, specifically a country. The currencies of different countries hold different values and are used as hard currencies in the form of paper. Digital currency on the other hand is a form of money that can be stored digitally and exchanged on a digital platform using the internet. The emergence of digital currency has put a great impact on the market worldwide and changed the economy as a whole. It has also started to replace traditional currency on various platforms.

Drawbacks of traditional currency

To compete with traditional currency, the digital currency must outperform in the major drawbacks of traditional currency which are as follows;

Benefits of traditional currency

To serve as a better alternative for traditional currency, cryptocurrencies should possess the benefits of paper currency as well. Some benefits of the paper currency are as follows;

Digital currency: an alternative to traditional currency

The digital currency should have all the benefits of traditional currency and lack the drawbacks of currency notes to serve as an alternative. How bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies stand out in the world of the paper currency are as follows;

The drawbacks of traditional currency like inflation, theft, and physical damage can be avoided by using digital currency. Unlike traditional currency, the issue of bitcoin and cryptocurrency is not limited to international boundaries. Bitcoin can be easily traded on platforms like british british bitcoin profit.

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