Nature and wildlife are part and parcel of what makes Great Britain a fabulous place to live.
Whether your garden is small and intimate or a sprawling and luscious lawn, the more wildlife you attract, the more you will benefit from spending valuable downtime relaxing in your garden.
With this in mind, here are four top tips to encourage wildlife into your garden.
1. Include Different Water Sources
In the UK, there are six different types of native amphibians (the most common being frogs and toads), and if you want your home to be an attractive place for such small – yet interesting – creatures, then you need to add a water source or two.
The easiest way to do this is to add a small pond into the corner of the garden, preferably flanked by small shrubs and other natural hidey-holes to provide your visitors with shade from the sun and respite from potential predators.
An ornate bird bath is also a fabulous addition – both for the aesthetic benefits and for attracting all manner of different birds who fancy a bath.
2. Build a Woodpile
Another great tip to attract more wildlife is to create your own woodpile in one corner of the garden.
Especially pertinent for the winter months, a woodpile will not only attract butterflies and bees who will want to hibernate when the cold weather hits, but also frogs, slow worms, toads and newts.
If possible, select larger logs and wood with the bark still mainly attached and choose a place in your garden whereby enough sunshine and enough shade hits the area continuously throughout the day.
3. Create a Homemade Compost Heap
Any kitchen waste and garden cuttings that you would normally throw into the recycling bin and the garden bin respectively can all be used to create the beginnings of your own compost heap.
Not only will this help to reduce the load of waste products taken to landfill (and help you to live an eco-friendlier life), but your new, and wholly natural, compost heap will also create a haven for minibeasts.
Minibeasts include garden spiders, millipedes, woodlice, ants and other smaller invertebrates, that will thrive in such conditions and also become part of the food chain.
4. Feed the Animals!
Awesome Wildlife Company is a leading supplier of quality and nutritious seed, which can be held in birdfeeders hung in the trees and birdhouses to freely stand in the garden.
There are a huge number of wild birds native to the UK and depending on where you live in the country, you are likely to see one variety in one area regularly, whereas in another area, rarely if not all the time.
The most common birds native to England, Scotland and Wales include house sparrows, pheasants, starlings, robins, ducks, blackbirds, chaffinches and the collared dove.
Naturally, different birds prefer different types of seed and nuts, but reputable and renowned suppliers who are experts in all aspects of bird food will be more than happy to advise you on specific seed to attract specific birds.