There is so much to think about as a business owner. From marketing strategies to financial choices, every decision you make influences the success of your business. That includes which supplier you go with.
To make sure your supplier is the perfect one for you, here are six tips to keep in mind.
1: Define What You’re Looking for
First of all, you must define what you’re looking for in a supplier. What supplies do you want and how often do you need them? Write it down and keep it in mind when searching suppliers. You don’t want to compromise too much!
If you are a tattoo parlour wanting to find high-quality tattoo ink, make sure you know the type, quality and quantity of ink you want. It makes a huge difference!
2: Consider Location
Where your supplier is stationed is a big deal, particularly for your budget. Generally, the further away they are, the higher shipping costs are. Try to find a reasonably priced supplier from your own country to cut down on costs and fuel. Not only will it save you money, but it will also help your brand become eco-friendlier.
3: Look at Past Reviews
Like most items you buy, you should look at other customer reviews when searching for your supplier. That way, you will get an idea of what they are like in terms of quality, customer service and time management. If you notice a company is consistently late with deliveries, you might consider going elsewhere.
4: See How Much You Can Buy at Once
It is not just about what you buy – it’s about how much you buy. Often, when purchasing for a business, you need to buy in bulk, as otherwise, you’d be spending too much each time. When budgeting, consider how much of each item you need to buy in one go. Then, look at how much you can buy from each supplier. This will help you refine your search and find a supplier that matches your buying needs.
5: Check for Eco-friendliness
Quality supplies and good customer service are important, but what about eco-friendliness? If you pride yourself on your eco-friendly ways, such as recycling and green energy, you should also think about who you buy from.
This is crucial if your brand image revolves around being a green company. Many customers look into where businesses get their supplies from to see if they are as eco-friendly as they say!
When looking at various suppliers, consider how they produce their products and what they do to offset their carbon emissions.
6: Ask Around
One of the best ways to find the right supplier for your business is to ask around – particularly if you have plenty of connections. You might discover a nearby, cost-friendly supplier that you wouldn’t have found through internet searches. Another option to reach out to many suppliers at once is to create a bidding for the contract. With vetted and approved permanent bid staff, you can create an engaging proposal that clearly outlines your expectations and demands, then wait for companies to contact you about it. This can be less time-consuming, however you may not always get an immediate response. Sometimes a bid will need rewriting to draw more suppliers in.
Finding an excellent supplier will likely take some time. It’s worth spending your time and energy on, though, as the right supplier will secure your business’s success.