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All areas where Dermal Fillers can be used

Cosmetology moves forward in leaps and bounds, developing new and new technology to fight aging and aesthetic imperfections. Among various procedures, the invention of dermal fillers like Juvederm, Restylane, Belotero, Saypha (you can find out more fillers by following the link, became a real breakthrough in the industry. Hyaluronic acid became a lifesaver for so many people who were struggling to get a healthy-looking and youthful appearance. And although you may think that filler treatments are suitable just for the elimination of fine lines and lip augmentation, in reality, their possibilities are much wider. Let’s dig deeper into this subject.

What are Dermal Fillers?

When we are talking about modern dermal fillers, we mean liquid, viscous, and transparent gels with hyaluronic acid or HA (however, the base can be different) that are administered under the skin for non-surgical aesthetic rejuvenation. Why HA? First of all, it naturally occurs in the human tissues (not just skin), holds the frame of the skin, and takes part in such essential processes as the production of collagen and elastin. It is non-organic, meaning it does not provoke body rejection and allergy. The effect of the injection with dermal filler is temporary as the body uses the injected HA for its own purposes (basically, collagen and elastin production).

Areas approved for Dermal Filler injections

Just have a look at the impressive list of areas of the face and body where filler injections can be done and what they can do:

What do Dermal Fillers do?

The primary function of the fillers, when injected into the skin tissues, is to physically fill in all hollow areas. This is how the filler erases mimic and aging creases and even the relief. HA also attracts and binds the molecules of water, increasing the volume even more. That is why these remedies work just fine for plumping lips, cheeks, and cheekbones.

Moreover, it is a wonderful moisturizer, so the skin starts looking fresher, more radiant, and healthier. During the whole time, it remains in the derma (from 6 to 18 months, depending on the type of the filler), it “feeds” the tissues and helps to produce elastin and collagen, the elements crucial to maintain the elasticity and tone.

Final Word

The range of aesthetics problems HA treatment may solve is rather impressive. Being completely different from Botox, fillers provide natural and predictable results with the ability to control the final outcome. Of course, like in any other procedure, the success depends not just on the injectables but on the doctor who will perform the injection. So, be careful and order a consultation with a medical specialist to form adequate expectations and get outstanding natural-looking results.

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