North East Connected

Can you help someone in need?

RESIDENTS are being asked to make a donation to the Redcar Area Foodbank as Christmas approaches and demand continues to increase.

Based at Westfield Farm in Dormanstown, the Foodbank has been experiencing an increased demand since the start of the summer and is now urgently looking for more donations for the holiday season.

Christmas treats like chocolate and biscuits to give users that extra bit of cheer closer to Christmas and New Year would be particularly welcomed. If anyone would like to donate toys, the foodbank is also accepting small new toys to include in food parcels.

With demand higher than supply, the foodbank also needs more donations of everyday items including meat, vegetables and fruit as well as tinned food such as pasta sauces, soup and fish.

Helen Hedges manages the Foodbank and said: “Christmas can be such a difficult time for so many people. Through the Foodbank we hope to make a difference by providing festive food parcels to add something special. As usual we couldn’t manage this without the generosity of local people and businesses.”

Cllr Lynn Pallister, Cabinet member for Health & Housing, said: “The Redcar Area Foodbank, and others across the borough, are doing brilliant work to help those who need it the most especially coming into the holidays. Any donations residents can give to Redcar and Cleveland’s foodbanks would be much appreciated.”

The Foodbank covers the whole of the borough and has collection points across Redcar as well as in South Bank, Normanby, Dormanstown and Loftus. For more information about the foodbank, and drop-off locations, visit or call 01642 484842.

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