• Tue. Feb 25th, 2025

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

HoT-Logo.LargeThe Heart of Teesdale Landscape Partnership is holding an exhibition of the results of its Traditional Farm Buildings Survey Project from 9 to 16 March 10am – 4pm (closed Sunday and Monday) at The Witham in Barnard Castle. A preview event will take place on Friday 11 March at 7pm with a presentation from project leader Jen Deadman.

The project has worked with a group of fully trained volunteers to survey traditional farm buildings around Barningham, Bowes, Cotherstone and Barnard Castle. The final Building Reports are deposited with landowners and the Historic Environment Record (HER) held in Durham. Historic Environment Records exist throughout the country providing comprehensive information and evidence about the historic environment in a particular area.  They are an essential source of information for managing, caring for and understanding the historic environment. Documents deposited with the HER are digitally available to the public.

The aim of the project is to add to the known history of farming in the area and to achieve, by a careful study of the design and function of agricultural buildings within their landscape setting, a deeper understanding of how and why they take the form they do today. It aims to provide an insight into how farming practices, land use and buildings have evolved from pre-history through the medieval period to the industrial revolution and beyond. It also aims to highlight the vernacular building traditions which help determine the distinctive character of the Teesdale landscape.

Project leader Jen Deadman is a professional historic building surveyor, with 10 years of experience leading volunteers in the field including a similar volunteer project in Nidderdale.  She explains ‘The exhibition is designed to celebrate the history of farm buildings in the heart of Teesdale and the landscape in which they lie.’

For more information, please contact Alex Sijpesteijn on 03000 260842 or email alex.sijpesteijn@durham.gov.uk

By admin