Work has begun on a scheme that will provide seven new affordable homes in the west of Durham.
County Durham Housing Group has unveiled the start of its ambitious new build programme at Bracks Farm in Bishop Auckland, in partnership with developer Keepmoat; and with support from Identity Consult.
The two-bed homes, which will be managed by one of the group’s landlords Dale & Valley Homes, are being built ahead of the housing group’s new build schedule.
Following its establishment in April last year, County Durham Housing Group had originally forecast its new build commitments to be initiated in 2018.
However by working with developers Keepmoat, the group has taken the opportunity to acquire homes on the £13m Moorland View development, as the first step in its pledge towards constructing 700 new properties during the next seven years.
Bill Fullen, County Durham Housing Group Chief Executive, said: “We are delighted to see this project get underway to help address the increasing need for affordable homes in the area.
“And by working with Keepmoat, we are able to bring new housing opportunities to the county ahead of our proposed plans.”
Ian Prescott, Land and Partnerships Director from Keepmoat said: “It is becoming increasingly difficult to develop low cost homes for rent due to changes in housing association funding announced by central government last year.
“It’s great that County Durham Housing Group are able to work with us on the Moorland View scheme and provide seven new high quality homes for people in housing need.”
The first of the homes are due for completion in September this year and will be advertised to rent through the Durham Key Options lettings scheme.
For more information call Dale & Valley Homes’ Lettings Team on 0800 083 0333.