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How live casinos changed the casino industry

For years, the idea of going to the casino was like going to the supermarket. You headed off to the casino, you chose your fun for the night, and you took your chances. Most nights, you’d come home with an empty wallet but a fair few positive memories of the night. Other times, you’d come with a big win.

But just as you can now do your shopping online, live casinos helped to reshape the entire casino industry. After all, why get suited and booted to visit the casino when you can do so from the comfort of your own home?

Live casinos sure did change a lot, but how did they change the casino industry?

More choice, more options

In the past, you basically had whatever casino you could either drive or get public/private transport to. Now, you can pick from casinos based all over the world. You could go to an online casino that is legally permitted to take people from your country.

You could become a regular on a particular online casino. Basically, the choice was yours. If you wanted to try out somewhere near, it’s much easier than moving towns!

Greater promotions

Go to a casino in the past, and the only ‘promotion’ you got was some free booze to keep you inebriated enough to play that ‘lucky’ number again. Now, visit a live casino and you can get the help that you need to enjoy a casino experience that comes with some nice items thrown in on top.

Promotions became both more prominent and more particular, giving users all of the help they need to really enjoy the casino experience as they would if they visited in person. All on top of having some extra moolah to throw around!

The real experience, at home

If you wanted to enjoy the company of a live dealer in the past, you had to wait until a table was free. Contrast that to live casinos online and you can almost always get the chance to take part in a casino experience. You won’t be waiting long, meaning you can enjoy the live dealer experience without having to actually be present.

This helped to remove uncertainty around cheating and random number generation being weighted against the player, too. If you worry that digital casino gaming isn’t fair, live dealer gaming almost certainly is.

Quicker gaming

When you go to a real casino, you play at a far more placid pace. With the help of live casino dealers, though, you get to play much quicker rounds and thus can play more and potentially win more. This means the casinos can hit more games, rip through more earnings, and boost the number of options they have to provide gamers with. Basically, live dealers helped to reshape the industry as it allowed for a faster pace of play than you can ever get in person.

So, can you now see why so many people invest in quicker gaming through a live casino experience? It really can be a game-changer if you allow it. It has meant such a big change to an industry that needed to be more innovative and inviting. Now, if you wish to play a casino experience, you can do so with a real live dealer – no more waiting around!

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