North East Connected

School appoints headteacher to lead new era of education

A DEPUTY headteacher has been chosen to lead the school in which she trained as it begins a new era of education.

Jenna Potter has been appointed headteacher of Richmond School and Sixth Form College which is in the process of moving out of local authority control to become part of a self-governing multi-academy trust.

London-born, Cambridgeshire-bred, Mrs Potter moved to North Yorkshire to train as a teacher at York University. Her first school as a trainee was Richmond where she taught French and German.

Mrs Potter’s first teaching appointment was in Luton, where she taught for a year before returning to Richmond where she became head of year.

On moving to Woodham School, Newton Aycliffe, as director of student support she developed an interest in raising standards and then spent a year at Wensleydale School as a deputy headteacher.

She returned to Richmond School and Sixth Form College in 2010 and for the past seven years has been deputy headteacher.

“I am absolutely delighted and full of anticipation for the future,” said Mrs Potter. “The prospect of working as part of a successful MAT is really exciting as, for me, it is the way that schools are going to raise standards.”

The retiring headmaster, who leaves at Christmas, Ian Roberston is currently developing the MAT initiative which will see Richmond partner with some of North Yorkshire’s most successful schools who share a similar ethos for excellence.

Mrs Potter said: “The vision is about helping students strive to be excellent, resilient, independent learners who can thrive on a local, national and international stage.

“When successful schools have their values, teaching and learning at the heart of everything they do, then student outcomes almost take care of themselves. We want our students to have the very best possible experience so they can become the best they can possibly be.”

Chairman of governors James Robson said: “I’m really looking forward to working with Mrs Potter and her team as we continue to rise to the challenges of education in the 21st century.”

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