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North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

The Benefits of Going on Excursions

ByDave Stopher

Jun 7, 2020

When you make a decision to go on an excursion and take a group of students or people on one, it’s not merely for the fact that you want a change of scenery, it means much more than that. Going on an excursion allows you to benefit from every angle of the location that you are going to. It gives you education while allowing you to have a wonderful and memorable time as well.

If you’re not entirely sure of what an excursion is all about and what’s so great about it, then keep reading to really understand the benefit.


There’s something extremely charming about the fact that you’re going to explore something new. One of the most effective being the culture. This is especially true if you’re planning on an excursion out of your city or town. If you’ve never been to the UK for instance, then planning an educational trip to London is something that really needs to be done. London has so much to offer in terms of history, royalty, and traditions. Having first-hand experiences and being immersed in another culture really does wonders for the overall learning experience and is much more effective.


It’s wonderful to talk and read about new and exciting things, but nothing can top real-life learning. When you take an excursion, whether it’s in nature, a museum or a historical site, getting the experience live as you have the stories told to you about their history or how they function gives it that much more depth. You’ll find that children in particular that have real-life experiences will have the memories embedded into their minds. Their ability to understand concepts pertaining to the history of something, or why a certain species behaves or looks a certain way is much more effective when they can see it in front of their eyes and touch it.


It’s no surprise that as humans, we are more willing to take in information if we are enjoying what we’re doing. Whenever you suggest the possibility of having a change of scenery to be able to learn in, this in itself will muster excitement, regardless of whether you’re dealing with children, teenagers, or full-grown adults. Naturally, when you’re excited to go and be somewhere, you’re going to be more attentive and willing to take in the information provided at the place. The confines of a classroom or your home only give so much motivation when it comes to learning- excursions bring up an eagerness that is exclusive to having the full experience using all of your senses.


For people who have a particularly difficult time socializing and are more on the quiet side, excursions can do wonders for their self-esteem and ability to mix in with other people. The more a person knows, the lower their inhibitions become because they get caught up in the moment or the activity that they are doing, and being outdoors within an environment that promotes interactions is a golden recipe for building confidence.


If you think about it, instilling a sense of adventure into children from an early age is imperative. How else will they grow to become eager and risk-taking people who want to know more about the world around them? This is the secret to success. The ability to relentlessly always want to learn more. Going on excursions brings that sense to life and exposes children and adults alike to a world of wonder that should really never die in them.

You may have thought excursions are just trips that people and kids take, but the fact of the matter is, they are extremely essential to providing meaningful education. Keeping the points mentioned here in mind, it’s clear that applying stimulation to all the senses proves to be a much more effective learning experience. It’s important to consistently take children out on excursions so that they can have an added dimension to their education, and the same applies as they grow older. The point is, you’re never too young or old to learn something new, and it’s important to immerse yourself and those around you in different cultures and traditions. Go into the wilderness to really understand how nature and wildlife works and you’re guaranteed to have a more wholesome understanding of how things work.

Excursion trips are always fun and create memorable moments for everyone; however, as a responsible person, it is your responsibility not to ignore your duty to take care of your surrounding. Remember not to damage your precious environment on your joyful journey. Take appropriate environmental awareness training to learn how you can show accountability for your environment and protect it.