North East Connected

Website will help Locate care and support services

CaptureA new website promoting wellbeing and offering information and advice on living independently has been officially launched.

Locate (, run by Durham County Council, provides a directory of care and support services.

It contains information ranging from activities in the local area to help people get out and about to help to access support with tasks ranging from washing, dressing and eating.

The easy-to-use site also features a journey planner to help people plan their route to services on foot or by car, bicycle or public transport, and a link to the Care Quality Commission website, where ratings for regulated services are available.

Lesley Jeavons, Durham County Council’s head of adult care, said: “Locate will play a key role in providing the essential information and advice people will need to make informed decisions about their care and support, enabling them to stay well and independent for longer.

“We want people who need care services to have as much choice as possible, by bringing together a huge range of services and suppliers in one easily-accessible website.”

The website, was launched at the County Durham Health and Wellbeing Board annual engagement event, which offers members of the public the chance to provide their views on how services should be developed.

The site is in keeping with one of the themes of the Care Act, which places a greater emphasis on individual choice and control.

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