The developer proposing an exciting regeneration of an historic Hexham site has acquired the plot, paving the way for a September start of construction work.
The 79th Group’s plans for the town’s old workhouse have also captured the imagination of those in the market for a house move. Within weeks after announcing a refurbishment of the site, the developer has received over 50 sales enquiries from potential buyers looking to reside at the Old Workhouse.
The £9.2 million redevelopment will see the 182-year-old building transformed into 32 two and three bedroomed apartments and two townhouses. Although the central building will be demolished, the former ‘Master’s’ house, together with the south and east blocks, will be retained and extended.
The original outward facing public facades of the buildings will remain and all additions and extensions will face a carefully landscaped central courtyard. There will be 43 on site parking spaces.
The 79th Group has a sound track record of property developments all over the UK and Chairman, David Webster, said: “We have been overwhelmed by the interest in this development, it has proved to be one of our most popular projects since it launched in January.
“I think its location, in a beautiful market town within the Tyne Valley and the site’s history are capturing the attention of regional, national and international investors. As we progress, we are keen to continue to work with the community in which we are building and as a result we are in the process of improving site security with the installation of perimeter boarding.”
The site closed as a workhouse in 1939, before becoming the administration block of Hexham General Hospital on the founding of the National Health Service (NHS) in 1948. Although English Heritage declined to list it, due to alterations made in 1883, it is viewed as an important landmark in the Hexham Conservation Area.
For more information, to see other examples of The 79th Group projects and register interest, please visit
*Picture caption: How the redeveloped site would look.