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World Renowned Leading Experts offer free digital energy audit for businesses in Greater Lincolnshire


Jun 29, 2020

Are you a small to medium business located in the Greater Lincolnshire area? Well, if you are, your business could be eligible for a free digital energy audit to help your business save money on its energy bills.

A council led programme, Smart Energy Greater Lincolnshire, is working alongside world renowned leading experts, The Institute of Applied Material Flow Management (IfaS), a not-for-profit research institute, based in Germany. The programme aims to support businesses to reduce their energy bills and carbon emissions, through free advice and grant funding.

One of the services being provided is a free digital energy audit which is done through a video call with a member of the IfaS team. They will provide free non- biased advice on how your business could save money through investing in technology, such as LED lights.

Once an audit has been completed your business will receive an energy saving report that highlights tailored recommendations for you. It is then up to you if you wish to proceed. Grant funding is also available from the programme that can help to cover up to 38% of the cost of the energy saving project.

Thomas Anton, Head of the department for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency at IfaS said that:

“Energy efficient technologies like LED lights, condensing boilers and systems based on renewable energy like solar PV very often save 20% to 60% of energy, costs and carbon. We will help to identify the right and best opportunities to set your company up for the future”

The video call will enable business owners to ask any questions they have about their business energy usage, such as, is Solar PV right for my business? How can I manage my energy usage better?

This is a fantastic opportunity for Greater Lincolnshire businesses to learn from an award winning and globally recognised team. IfaS have completed a wide range of projects in over 60 countries, helping authorities and multi-national companies, such as Continental, Procter and Gamble and Evonik Industries.

Sam Goodwin, SME Funding Distribution Manager for Smart Energy Greater Lincolnshire said that:

“Given the economic disruption stemming from Covid -19 and the uncertain times SME’s are currently facing, we as a programme have embraced new technologies in the form of digital energy audits, making audits and the problem of social distancing from site visitors one less concern for businesses”.

“By utilizing video calls, the use of this technology allows Smart Energy Greater Lincolnshire to still offer bespoke guidance and tailored recommendations, all whilst ensuring you and your employees safety is of paramount importance”.

In order to be eligible for support and funding you must be a small to medium business located in the Greater Lincolnshire area. For further eligibility criteria or information visit www.smartenergygreaterlincs.com or contact Jose Stewart on 01472 323658 or 07525798172.

Smart Energy Greater Lincolnshire is a £9.2m programme that has been partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund to help support businesses to save energy.