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£10,000 grant available for Healthy Heart community projects in the North East region


Mar 24, 2022 #charity, #Grant

£10,000 grant available for Healthy Heart community projects in the North East region

Community groups in the North East region that are helping local people look after their hearts can as of the 14th of March apply for a £10,000 grant from national charity Heart Research UK.

The grant is available for new and innovative projects that promote healthy hearts and are aiming to reduce the risk of heart disease in their community. The deadline for applications in the North East area is the 11th of April.

Since 2001, Heart Research UK has awarded over 300 community grants, directly benefiting the hearts of over 70,000 individuals and countless wider community and family members across all regions of the UK. The North East grant, along with four others, are funded by instore donations from Subway® restaurants across the country.

Cardiovascular disease is one of the world’s biggest killers, and the aim of the Healthy Heart grants is to work preventatively within communities that may be marginalised or not have access to health initiatives.

Projects should deliver health initiatives such as cooking skills, healthy eating and accessible exercise and should promote mental wellbeing and encourage people to be active. The grants are only available to not-for-profit organisations, including charities, community groups, voluntary organisations and sports groups.

Last year, the grant in the North East region was awarded to Gateshead Older People’s Assembly which aimed to promote and provide wellbeing opportunities to people over the age of 50. One of the activities provided was a weekly ‘walk and talk’, delivered by a walk leader, where participants could explore their local green spaces and connect with like-minded people.

Kate Bratt-Farrar, Chief Executive of Heart Research UK, said: “Through the Healthy Heart grants we hope to encourage people across the whole country to make healthier choices and give them practical help to do so. These grants are available to ensure everyone has the chance to benefit from a healthier, happier and longer life.

“We’re looking for new and innovative projects that really have an impact, especially if they aim to improve the health of at risk or hard to reach communities.”

The deadline for applying is the 11th of April and can be done by visiting https://heartresearch.org.uk/healthy-heart-grant-apply/. For more information, please email healthyheartgrants@heartresearch.org.uk