• Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

logo RDC (2) (2)North Yorkshire is ready to play its part in providing support and to take in refugees as a result of the developing humanitarian crisis from the war in Syria.

Ryedale District Council and other district council partners are working with North Yorkshire County Council to decide on numbers and will soon be meeting with the Home Office on this issue

Cllr Linda Cowling, Leader of Ryedale District Council said;

“The images emerging from the problems in Syria are heartbreaking. The district council will be helping to support the governments’ new resettlement plan in whatever way we can, following meetings with other councils.”

County Councillor Carl Les, North Yorkshire’s Leader said;

“The County Council will do whatever is necessary to support the Government’s new resettlement programme, “ said County Councillor Carl Les, North Yorkshire’s Leader, “and we will be meeting with both the Home Office and district councils in the near future to agree on the detail of a county-wide plan.

“If people want to do anything or offer help immediately they should contact DEC – the disaster emergency committee – to find out where they can help or donate.”

By admin