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How to make new employees feel part of the team


Sep 18, 2017 #Business

When you join a new workplace it always feel daunting and a little bit scary. You want to fit in and get along with your new colleagues, but most importantly you’ll want to feel part of the team.

As a boss or manager you’ll also want your new recruit to fit in with your team and to work alongside your employees to help output the best quality work.

So as an employer, how can you make new employees feel part of the team?

While you’ve probably mastered the technical side of onboarding your new team member, but have you thought about how onboarding them through how they’re feeling too?

Nope didn’t think so!

To help make any new employee feel welcomed and at ease, why not have a brainstorming session asking the questions that anybody would ask about someone’s first day/week at work, For example: “How was your first day?”, “what could have been better on your first day?”, “what were you most anxious about?”. By brainstorming these ideas, and answering them, you’ll be able to come up with ways of helping to reduce the anxiety and nervousness of the new employee.

Why not draw upon your own past experiences and see if you can cover most basis to help make their first day run smoothly?

By having this plan in place with the whole workforce involved, everyone will be able to hopefully disperse any first day jitters for the newbie.

One anxiety for many new starters is the fear of not knowing everyone’s name or what they do. Why not create a photo collage with everyone’s name and title to give to them so they can use it as a referral sheet, and quickly work out who they need to speak with regarding their work or if they have any issues?

Give the newbie a mentor or “team buddy” who can help answer any questions and show them what they’ll need to do. They may even want to go to lunch together and help introduce them to the rest of the workforce.

Whilst this is a fantastic way of onboarding the new recruit, other employees should be encouraged to join forces with the team buddy to do smaller tasks while helping to integrate the new employee to the team and company.

On a Friday after work gather everyone to go out so the new employee can chat and get to know the rest of the company out of work. It helps towards creating a team bond and making the newbie feel a part of the team.

Get the new employee stuck into work that won’t be too overwhelming for them, yet gives them the chance to speak up and input their own ideas. You’ll also as either as a colleague or employer have to actively listen to their suggestions and be interested in what they have to say. It will help to make them feel more at ease this and less nervous. Especially if you can all bounce ideas off one another to create a superb campaign or example.

If you have a uniform at work, make sure you have your new employee’s measurements so their uniform can be ready and waiting for them on their first day.

The best aspect of having a bespoke uniform will help towards making the new employee feel a part of your team and company. It may only be a psychological aspect but it is a very important one.

Are you thinking about introducing a work uniform to your company, or perhaps you fancy changing it up a little? The Embroidered Printed and Clothing Company have many years experience of creating excellent quality, bespoke work uniforms through either printing or embroidering your company’s name and/or logo.

So with these handy tips, hopefully the next time you hire someone new, you and your team will be able to help them fit straight in and push any of the worries aside.

By Emily