• Fri. Mar 14th, 2025

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

She’s certainly keeping herself busy is Darlington’s Jade Byrne.

Having seen her stage tour cut short by the ongoing pandemic the actress, who wrote, tours, and stars in, her one-woman show, Pricks, has gone back behind the camera, for a show of a different kind.

Utilising her own, and adding further talents to her bow, Jade began a new online series entitled Prick Me Up, where she does a weekly YouTube live session with fellow Type 1 Diabetics both famous, and those not so, but as equally important.

Her first two sessions saw her learn keepy-up with Welsh Futsal International and founder of The Diabetes Football Community, Chris Bright, followed by learning a dance routine with fellow actress, Sunderland’s Nik Grundison.

Next up however, and in keeping with the dance format of the previous show, Jade goes a little X Factor/Strictly with former Eastenders actor, Jonny Labey.

Speaking of her new, online show, and the upcoming appearance of Jonny Labey, Jade said: “Because of Covid-19, the tour I was in the middle of with my show, Pricks, had to be cancelled along with my next tour in May.

“I felt that I needed to do something in order to keep me connected with the Type 1 Diabetes community but also cheer people up too.

“I decided having other Type 1’s teaching me something new each week on YouTube Live would be fun and it seems to be a success.”

Jade’s ongoing success, which has flowed over from both the touring, and the recent release of her two books – Daisy Donald and Pricks (The Play), as well as her list of contacts from within the Type 1 community, sees her educating continue.

 To have someone of Jonny Labey’s stature so early is a coup for any new-starter, Jade adding: “This week I’m thrilled to have Jonny Labey from Celebrity X Factor, Eastenders and the winner of Dance Dance Dance joining me.

“It’ll be at an earlier time of 3pm due to his schedule this week, but I’m sure there’ll be plenty of people tuned in.

“I will literally be finishing my radio show on Darlo Radio then going straight into my YouTube Live.

“We will also be taking your questions live and Jonny is teaching me a ‘Strictly’ style dance too.

“It’ll be a good laugh and isn’t to be missed.”

You can find out more about Jade and Pricks via her website https://www.prickstheplay.co.uk/, Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PricksOfficial/ and Twitter https://twitter.com/PricksOfficial

Prick Me Up takes place on Wednesday’s from 8pm and you can tune in live via YouTube https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC2sZAUimEnhftPPBYHHCwiA/featured and searching for #PrickMeUp 


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