North East Connected


ICL Boulby, the world’s first and only polyhalite mine, is continuing to set new records as it steps up production of the ground-breaking mineral.

Andrew Fulton, ICL Boulby’s Vice President and General Manager, praised what he described as the ‘fantastic results’ achieved in delivering the highest weekly production since the start of mining the multi-nutrient mineral which is now helping to boost food production across five continents.

This latest achievement follows on from a 130per cent increase in production in the first quarter of 2019 compared to the same period last year—showing, says Mr Fulton, the progress the company is making towards the target of a million tonnes a year by the end of 2020.

He explains “Of course we faced major challenges in making the transition from potash to polyhalite and we are continuing to improve our production techniques and processes which is reflected in the rapid progress we are making in improving our production performance.

“As part of the development programme we are making substantial investment in underground equipment designed specifically to meet the challenges of mining and processing polyhalite.”

In a wide range of trials across many countries the Boulby product, which is marketed as Polysulphate, has been shown to significantly increase growth and yields in many different crops. As a result, the number of farmers and fertiliser distributors placing orders continues to increase month on month, with shipments leaving the ICL Teesport distribution terminal to as far afield as China and Brazil, as well as mainland Europe and the UK.


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