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Calories Burned Calculator: Simplified Method of Finding the Daily Total Calories to Burn

Observing every grocery store, you will discover different varieties of food with different specifications and labeling. These foods all differ in content, but their aims are alike, which is to fuel and build the body. Poor eating habits and little or no physical activities can result in plumpness, but then, with calories burned calculator, it becomes easy to track the total calories burned daily as part of the actions to stay in shape.

While there are several weight loss programs all over the world, they are all founded on the principle of caloric deficit. This is because overweight people need to burn more calories in their body more than the calories they consume per day. While this may look very simple to practice at face valuation, it actually requires some strict measures to change or modify an individual’s nutritional plan or routine.

What is the Main Requirement of Any Weight Loss Process?

There are numerous examples of food products and diet routines that can accelerate weight loss. However, the first requirement for any weight loss program is the knowledge of calories to relinquish and consume daily. Although, adhering strictly to a proper healthy diet, in addition to some physical activities, may ensure a positive result to an individual who’s trying to lose weight. What is worth bearing in mind, however, is the fact that there is no guarantee of immediate results.

Which Aspects Make Up Your Total Energy Expenditure?

To grasp the full knowledge of counting one’s calories, an individual needs to accustom themselves with some important factors, including the following:

  1. Total Energy Expended (TEE). It helps to regulate the number of calories expended per day. Total energy expended comprises of three different components such as:

(i) The physical activity-related energy expenditure (PEE)

(ii) Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT)

(iii) Exercise activity thermogenesis (EAT)

  1. Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
  2. Diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT)


It is critical to note that the body is continually involved in different activities. Even when a person is sleeping, their bodies employ minimal energy to support crucial metabolic processes such as inhaling and exhaling air, blood circulation, among others. This simply means that a person’s body burns calories even when they are sleeping, walking, standing, or reading.

Besides, more calories are burnt when there are few laborious activities such as sitting, standing, and clapping. For instance, in half an hour, somebody who weighs 155 pounds (70 kg) can burn these amounts of calories when doing the following daily routine activities:

The amounts of calories burnt in carrying out the above activities correspond to NEAT, EAT, and also add up to PEE, which computes about 15-30% of the total energy outflow.


Also, another essential feature of TEE consists of sedentary, which is also known as the basal metabolic rate (BMR), and diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT). It is important to note that when using the calories burned calculator, the BMR accounts for about 60% of the TEE, while the DIT controls about 10-15%. The BMR differs based on the individual’s sex, height, weight, and age.

Presently, the calculation of BMR can be carried out using the Mifflin-St Jeor equation postulated in 1990 and accepted as the most accurate equation for calculating the BMR. However, the first equation for calculating BMR was carried out using the Harris-Benedict equation in 1918.

Mifflin-St Jeor equation can be calculated as follow:

Harris-Benedict equation of 1918 can be calculated as:

Steps to calculating your TEE

The calculation of your TEE is quite simple: you need to multiply your BMR result by your physical activity level (PAL). You can either use the Mifflin-St Jeor or Harris-Benedict equation to get the result of your BMR. The equation of your TEE can be represented mathematically as:

TEE your BMR, AND your PAL

Every level of physical activity possesses an equal amount that is inferred from the amount of vigor and physical activity carried out frequently in your everyday life. Nevertheless, you can conclude by deducing that NEAT and, partially, EAT are all involved in this calculation. The calculation of the EAT and NEAT will be explained properly as we progress. Physical activity levels and their numeric value are classified as follows:

Inactive or light activity lifestyle (1.40 – 1.69):

An inactive or low activity lifestyle implies that an individual does not execute any extra physical activity during the day and the career of such people requires no physical exertion of energy. Rather than walking a great mile, other means of transportation such as vehicles will be used.

Individuals living such lifestyles rarely go to the gym or don’t work out at all, spend a large part of their time sitting, sleeping, eating, engaging in conversation, studying, going to the cinema house, or operating their personal computers. Examples of people living such lives might include freelancers and office workers.

Additionally, full-time homemakers and nannies are under this category of sedentary lifestyles because they spend little physical energy in carrying out their chores and taking care of children.

Active or moderately active lifestyle (1.70 – 1.99):

Active or moderately active lifestyles are involved in some or a few amount of physical activities from their job compared to the sedentary lifestyle. But then, the physical energy exerted in their career is not arduous nor involves rigorous energy dissipation. This class of people can also fall under the category of people with a sedentary lifestyle. However, the difference is that at one point, they carry out some physical activity moderately, such as hitting the gym, swimming, and lifting of luggage that increases their PAL from 1.55 to 1.75. Examples of people in this category are entrepreneurs, commercial farmers, and bankers.

Vigorous or vigorously active lifestyle (2.00 – 2.40):

People living this kind of lifestyle are usually involved in laborious activities in the day to expend more calories. They spend hours in constant strenuous work from days to months. People that exert such vigor are peasant farmers, builders, gardeners, and athletes. Individuals involved in sport usually spend quality time developing certain skills. Stunt and ballet dancers spend much energy on practicing their moves.

An adult woman with an age of 32, weighing 160 pounds, is 70 inches tall, and perform her duty in the office with no other physical activities in the day or in her free time; the formulated daily number of calories can be calculated as follows:

(655 + 4.35 × 160 + 4.7 × 70 4.7 – 32) × 1.40 = TEE = 7,384,898.6 calories.

Calories Burned Calculator: Exercise

It is a normal phenomenon that different ranges or proportions of actions require different strengths to disburse the number of calories present in the body. This comprises why some activities have their distinct metabolic equivalent for a task (MET). MET is determined by the number of energy an individual utilizes when carrying out a specific action.

However, the values ​​have been formalized for different people to use it to their advantage. One primary importance of these formalized figures is for comparison between different exercises and their profitability. One MET is referred to as 1 kcal per kg of body weight per hour, and it is approximately equivalent to the energy you spend sitting at rest or in the form of oxygen uptake, where 1 MET equals 3.5 ml per kg per minute.

It has been established here that different actions/physical activities carry their distinct numeric equivalent. Also, there are several groups of physical activities that are separated in accordance with their METs, such as the following:

Calories Burned Calculator: Vigorous-intensity Activity

While the subtopic may seem similar, the kind of actions required here is usually strenuous and laborious, requiring about 6.0 METs or above. Some instances are walking with the speed of 3 to 4 mph (4.8 to 6.4 km/h), lifting heavy luggage, tilling the soil, exercising or running, dancing, and playing football.

Calories Burned Calculator: Light-intensity Activity

A light-intense activity, typically lived by sedentary individuals as rightly explained above, requires 1.6 and up to 3.0 METs. Examples of light-intensity activities include walking with the speed of two or less mph (3.2 or less km/h), queuing, barbecuing, reading, and others.

Calories Burned Calculator: Low-intensity Activity

The lowest vigor spent by an individual that is participating in little or no activities is between 1.0 METs to 1.5 METs. Such actions are tagged as “sedentary actions”. It has been observed that sedentary actions are more prevalent among average people. Sedentary actions include sleeping, eating, queuing, sitting, and walking. Besides, activities such as standing still belong to this category because it requires an energy expense of 1.5.

Now, the knowledge of METs has been established and properly explained, which means we can now proceed to calculate a number of calories. The formula for exercising calories burned calculator is given as:

Duration of physical activity in minutes × (MET × 3.5 × your weight in kg) / 200 = Total calories burned

Consider the following illustration for instance:

Calories Burned Calculator: Biking

While there are several types of biking, with numerous strengths and periods required. Harvard Heart Letter from Harvard Medical School presents the following set of data on the number of calories individuals with different bodyweight exhaust every thirty minutes of performing the highlighted actions:

Type of activity 125 lb (56 kg) 155 lb (70 kg) 185 lb (84 kg)
Bicycling:12-13.9 mph (20-22 km/h) 240 298 355
Bicycling: BMX or mountain 255 316 377
Bicycling: 14-15.9 mph 300 372 444
Bicycling:16-19 mph (25-30 km/h) 360 446 533
Bicycling: > 20 mph (>32 km/h) 495 614 733

Nevertheless, to know your precise number of calories to expend, then practice the formula mentioned above by inserting the MET of the kind of activity you are performing, which are:

Calories Burned Calculator: Stationary Bike

The data below is from the Harvard Heart Letter:

Type of activity 125lb (56 kg) 155lb (70 kg) 185lb (84 kg)
Bicycling, Stationary: moderate 210 260 311
Bicycling, Stationary: vigorous 315 391 466

However, the METs for types of stationary bicycling are given below:

Calories Burned Calculator: Yoga

Yoga is more inactive compared to running, and it needs smaller energy. Harvard Medical School states the following:

Type of activity 125 lb (56 kg) 155 lb (70 kg) 185 lb (84 kg)
Stretching, Hatha Yoga 120 149 178

METs calculation: Stretching, Hatha Yoga – 2.5 METs

List of METs of the Most Popular Exercises

Here is the list of METs of the most popular exercises:

Different Components that Affect the Number of Expended Calories during Training

It is no surprise that two people can be placed on the same nutritional plan and undergo similar physical activities, but differ with their results from one another. Certain components cause this difference during physical activities, and they are explained below:

For individuals that are advanced in age, physical training is very strenuous work to do, but young people find pleasure carrying out gym work. It has been observed that as people advance in age, they find it more challenging to attain a higher intensity level of activity.

This partly elucidates why some people eat so much, but they never add any significant weight. Individuals with higher muscle mass expend higher calories when carrying out certain actions.

The level of oxygen inhaled can aid in examining the complications in performing some distinct exercises and the required efforts to apply. Individuals that breathe heavily and quickly tend to expend higher calories because every effort carried out to breathe in consumes about five calories from the body.

The higher an individual increases his/her work rate, the more calories they burn. This rightly explains the reason for increasing the difficulty level of an individual’s workout.

Absence of sleep can not only considerably aggravate a person’s health by inducing insulin obstruction, hence, heightening the danger of type 2 diabetes and obesity, and invariably reducing body metabolism (7) by stimulating the body to expend limited calories.

Further Asked Questions

What amount of calories should I expend to lose 10 pounds?

The calculation to lose 10 pounds can be seen as follows: one, when converted to kilograms, is 0.5 kg. Standard conversion shows that 0.5 kg is equivalent to about 3500 calories. If an individual loses about 500-1000 calories per day, he/she is most likely to lose between one or two pounds per week. This is the recommended amount and pace. Hence, to lose 10 pounds, the person needs to expend about 35 000 calories.

How many calories do I burn sleeping?

As rightly explained at the beginning of the article that your body utilizes energy to maintain vital organs and metabolic processes, your body uses calories to boost breathing, heartbeat, blood circulation, etc. Sleeping equals 0.9 METs. The formula for finding the number of calories expended while sleeping is seen as follow:

Duration of your sleep (in minutes) × (0.9 × 3.5 × your weight in kg) / 200 = Total calories burned

How can I increase the number of calories I burn a day without going to the gym?

Hitting the gym can be an optional undertaking when trying to burn more calories. All that is required is more regular and increased physical activities, such as taking the stairs rather than the elevator, walking more often, riding a bicycle, pacing back and forth in the room, and going shopping.


Although there are several dieting plans and physical activities out there in the world, all of these are founded on the principle of burning more calories than you take in. For all of these to be effective, individuals need to arm themselves with the requisite knowledge of how many calories to burn per day using calories burned calculator. This calculator analyzes their total energy expenditure (TEE), basal metabolic rate (BMR), and their physical activity level (PAL). All of these calculations can also be influenced by some factors such as age, body composition, and other factors. However, it is necessary to consult a specialist before taking any crucial decision concerning any weight loss program.

DISCLAIMER: This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!

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