• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

North East Connected

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Catch it, Bin it, Kill it. Help stop the spread of flu germs

Northumberland County Council is reminding residents of the importance of good hand hygiene to help stop the spreading of the flu virus.

Flu viruses are spread in droplets through sneezing, coughing or talking – people with flu can spread it to others up to about 6 feet away.  If the viruses settle on a hard surface such as a door handle or handrail they can live for 24 hours.  This is why good hygiene is so important when trying to prevent the spread of the flu virus.

To reduce the risk of spreading flu we are urging everyone to:

  • use tissues to trap germs when you cough or sneeze
  • wash your hands often with warm water and soap
  • bin used tissues as quickly as possible

Catch it, Bin it, Kill it

Elizabeth Morgan, Interim Public Health Director, said: “Flu can make people who are normally well feel very unwell.  In people who already have a long term condition, it can be life threatening.  Flu is infectious so it’s important we all take these simple steps to avoid giving the virus to someone else.

“For those who are more vulnerable, you may be eligible for a free flu vaccine, so it is always worth checking with your GP or local community pharmacist if you have not already received a vaccine this winter.”

Northumberland County Councillor Veronica Jones, cabinet member for Adult Care and Public Health, said: “I encourage everyone to practice good hand hygiene to help stop the spread of germs and to also remind others to do the same whether it’s family, friends or colleagues so we can all try to remain as healthy as possible this winter.”

By admin