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Comparing print to email marketing

BySteve Stones

May 23, 2019 #Business

You can’t deny that living in a world that has turned entirely digital has its drawbacks. Businesses around the world are beginning to use email as one of their main routes for brand awareness to consumers who are likely already familiar with the company. But it’s vital to understand the thought process of the consumer, and this can prove to be a challenge.

Are you communicating well enough?

Believe it or not, the average email has a lifespan of two seconds — a figure that you can’t deny as 74 trillion emails are sent every year. So much, that 70% of Brits said that they receive too many. With this knowledge, it might be time to rethink your email marketing strategies to ensure the best results possible from your campaign.

However, only 13.8 billion letters are sent every year — with a much longer lifespan of 17 days. Does this mean that a delivered letter is more effective than something we have at our fingertips at all times?

You can’t deny that direct mail is more memorable too, as 75% of people said that they could remember the brand after reading the letter. This is an astonishing figure when you look at the amount of people who could remember the brand after reading a digital advertisement — which was as low as 44%.

According to the same source, direct mail marketing outperforms email. 79% of consumers action direct mail straight away, while only 45% of people do so for email. This is probably down to the opening process — if you’re opening a physical letter, you have the intention to read it. Tapping a screen to access a new email in your inbox is effortless, and deleting it forever takes no real time either — this could be the reason why it is proving to be less effective.

There’s also a 4.4% response rate when it comes to direct mail. A response rate for an email is only 0.12%, showing that more people interact thoroughly with a physical object than with something that just appears in their online inbox and can be deleted instantly.

Email only pulls in 24% of customers, but for direct mail, this is 34%. This is a shockingly low figure when 57% of all email addresses are abandoned because of too many emails.

Imagine that your business has 1,000 subscribers to its email list and 50% aren’t active. This does not make a good investment, especially when the cost per acquisition is higher for email at £42.55 in comparison to direct mail which is only £39.59.

Royal Mail found that 51% of customers would prefer brands to communicate with them using both channels. However, 56% said that they felt valued when they received a letter in the post. It is beneficial to know that when both are used together, it can inevitably increase brand awareness, ROI and the overall customer experience.

What to include in your print

If you want to run a successful print campaign, you must have an understand what your customers want. They’re the focus, so don’t try and sell them your product — sell them an idea. Your customer doesn’t want new shoes, they want to look stylish.

Tap into an existing audience, know what they want and deliver exceptional marketing campaigns that can get them talking — and most importantly, converting. Play on their emotions, because once they become invested into your product, they will make the logical decision to convert.

If you want your printed piece to stand out, you need to pick bright colours that catch the eye. It’s important that you make your leaflet, brochure or poster stand out. Use digital printing services to make sure you nail the final version.

It’s important that your copy delivers a message that you want to project — don’t shy away from how brilliant you are. Be persuasive, be intriguing and don’t forget to accompany this with bold and beautiful lettering.

Lastly, do not make mistakes. If you have a mistake on one, you have a mistake on all — which could be extremely damaging to your budget. Once ordered, rely on your efficient leaflet distribution service to deliver your product.


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