North East Connected

Easter fayre helps fund seaside trip for residents

AN EASTER fayre has raised hundreds of pounds to give Teesside care home residents a trip to the seaside.

Ingleby Care Home, on Lamb Lane, Ingleby Barwick, raised £367 from a raffle and Easter egg tombola.

Their annual fayre also included bric-a-brac stalls and refreshments were available for visitors.

The proceeds will be added to the residents’ fund, which will contribute towards a trip to the seaside during the summer.

Resident Joyce Heward helped sell raffle tickets. She said: “I used to do the raffle books when I used to go to church. I enjoy doing it.”

Fellow resident Carol Cook, who helped look after the tombola stall, said: “It felt nice to think I was being helpful and helping out on the stalls. I really enjoyed myself.”

Carol Singleton, home manager at Ingleby Care Home, said: “Thank you to everyone who came along to our annual Easter fayre.

“The residents had a great time meeting other members of the community and manning the various stalls.

“We raised an amazing amount for the residents fund, which will go a long way to providing a trip to the seaside during the summer.”

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