East Durham residents are being offered the chance to pick up key life-saving tips for free thanks to one of the region’s largest landlords.
The free Level 2 First Aid course, organised by County Durham Housing Group, will provide the key skills needed in the first essential minutes following an incident.
The programme, which will take place at Acumen Business Resource Centre, Sunderland Road, Horden, on Thursday, 7 September, has been specifically designed to be used in day-to-day life, as well as by anyone who needs to know about first aid in their workplace.
Despite being a Level 2 course, no previous experience is required. Delivered by friendly but informative trainers, the course is practical in nature, covering the differences in techniques between dealing with adults and children, with opportunities to trial new knowledge with exercises that will also build confidence.
County Durham Housing Group Community Training Coordinator, Sean Robson, said: “It’s impossible to know when first aid skills might help save a life. It could be a family member, a colleague or even just a passer-by on the street. But if you don’t know how to help, you’ll be nothing more than a bystander.
“First aid really is one of those key life skills that anyone could use at any time.”
For more information on how to take part call Sean Robson on 0191 349 7753 or email training@cdhg.co.uk
This is the latest in a series of courses being offered by County Durham Housing Group to provide new opportunities for learning across the county. The course is free for group tenants and the unemployed.