Scoring an intern or graduate job at a top law firm in the UK is a cutthroat experience. Candidates need more than excellent credentials to make it there. They have to overcome several hurdles, such as the Watson Glaser Test, which is considered one of the most challenging aptitude tests for legal roles.
If it’s your goal to be an apprentice at a prestigious UK law firm, start preparing now. The following are some of the ways that can help you steel yourself for the nitty-gritty selection process and get ahead of the competition.
Brush Up on Your Interpersonal Skills
Dealing with people effectively is an ability every barrister should have in their arsenal of capabilities. Show your future employer that you can communicate yourself with confidence and clarity. In addition, you should be able to demonstrate that you’re a team player and can lead a team as well.
Remember that the interview part of an application process for any job is crucial, but even more so for legal apprenticeship. It can be a nerve-wracking situation so to ease your nerves, prepare by researching possible questions that might be thrown your way or scenarios you’re going to likely encounter during the interview or assessment process.
Practice Taking Tests
Your intellectual ability and critical thinking skills will be assessed through aptitude tests, such as the Watson Glaser test, before proceeding with your application.
Here are two sample questions that closely match the questions you’ll see on the real Watson Glaser test:
#1 Inference Assessment Sample Question
Statement: James is a human rights activist who was fined £60 on three different days during the past month for smoking in public at his workplace. On each of the occasions, he admitted to the act peacefully, telling policemen that he is unwilling to conform with such a breach of people’s right to privacy. James paid the three fines shortly after receiving them.
Inference: James has spent at least a couple hundreds of pounds in his struggle to oppose violation of civil liberties this year.
- True
- Probably True
- Insufficient Data
- Probably False
- False
#2 Recognising Assumptions Sample Question
Statement: Complaints were raised against the town’s sole French teacher for using her monopoly to charge more than her late predecessor. In fact, however, she does not earn more money on each lesson than she would have before, because she lives out of town and her fee reflects higher transportation costs than those of her predecessor, who lived in town.
Proposed Assumption: Service providers who spend more on transportation are more expensive.
- Assumption Made
- Assumption Not Made
You can use this Free Watson Glaser Practice Test to try more sample questions with full explanations. It will help you better prepare for this part of the screening process.
The free practice test, as well as the other accurate practice tests found there, include drills for deduction, inference, arguments, assumptions, and interpretation. These simulations will condition you for the real assessment, which can help reduce your anxiety. You can also benefit from their study guides, expert tips, and strategies.
Be Determined
It’s not only your skills that will be tested but also your grit. As it is, competition in the law firm recruitment is fierce. Make sure to pluck up your courage as early as possible, which will propel you to prepare for a battery of tests. It will also be to your advantage if you already have given careful thought to what you want to specialize in.
Knowing that the pathway you take is what you really want or you have enough motivation to pursue it is essential because recruiters will look for commitment. It may depend on your career path, but more often than not, work at a law firm can be demanding and time-consuming, especially if you make it in a prestigious one.
Research Your Prospective Employers
Cover your bases by knowing the law firms you’re going to send your application to. Check the kinds of tests or assessment processes they employ, the criteria for choosing their hires, if you meet their qualifications, among other considerations. This knowledge will be handy to boost your confidence as you work on meeting your goals.
Moreover, understanding how firms process their legal apprenticeship recruitment will give you an idea how to package your application. Procedures differ from one employer to another, so read their job advertisements carefully. Studying and paying attention to the hiring details can give you an edge over the other candidates.
Preparation is imperative when you set your eyes on working as an intern for a top British law firm. Scholastic achievements won’t be enough if you don’t pair them with more research work and skill development, as the competition is known to be fierce.