The majority of us spend a significant proportion of our lives at work. This means that regardless of how we feel about our current occupation, the state of organisation and environment within your workspace will have a huge impact on you and others around you.
Because you spend so much of your time at work, your workspace needs to be a place in which you can function and work to the best of your ability. An unhygienic and messy environment will only hinder your chances to succeed further in your position.
Office cleaning can be difficult to keep on top of and because many businesses start off small they often cost by taking care of their own office hygiene. When there isn’t a designated individual who is responsible for cleanliness it’s very easy to let standards slip.
In today’s world, it is essential for businesses to build up a trustworthy relationship with clients. Something that is difficult to achieve and once broken, hard to regain. Therefore it is a sensible idea to protect your reputation by making sure that your practices are ethical. Keeping a clean and hygienic office is another key factor that can positively influence clients when they visit the office. If they are welcomed into a neat and tidy area after being Zerorez Austin Carpet Cleaning, they will instantly feel a sense of reliability and organisation.
Given the revealing statistics that an office desk is 400 times dirtier than your average toilet seat and harbours a total of 30,098 microbes across several different items, it’s surprising that cleanliness in offices is often overlooked. It doesn’t help that finding the right cleaning company can take up time that you don’t have, but it’s essential that you find one because the reputation, health and productivity of the company is at stake.
An employers’ duty is to protect the health of their staff members. A way in which this can be done is by knowing exactly what causes an unhygienic office and individually keeping on top of cleaning duties. This is especially important if you don’t want to hire a cleaning company because you will need to take matters into your own hands. Brosch Direct have put together a great guide to office hygiene, including a downloadable cleaning checklist that you can print out and incorporate into your workplace.
Office workers, in particular, can find working in a cluttered environment difficult and stress levels can double in an unclean area. Therefore, this will lower productivity and possibly cause illness. Without a doubt, hygiene is so important and if your work becomes unsanitary then people’s health will be at risk. From toilets to kitchens, they all need regular cleaning in order to keep the germs away. The importance of a hygienic workspace should be high priority on everybody’s agenda. It’s vital to maintaining good work and a happy and healthy business.