• Tue. Sep 10th, 2024

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

Redcar_and_Cleveland_Borough_CouncilHELP is at hand for community and heritage projects hoping to secure external funding.

A special event is being held on Thursday 21 July at TunedIn!, with representatives  from two big funding groups: the BIG Lottery and the Heritage Lottery Fund.

BIG Lottery staff will provide an overview of the funding programmes they are currently running including Awards for All and Reaching Communities. There will also be a Q&A session for attendees to ask questions.

The Heritage Lottery Fund has recently identified Redcar and Cleveland as a priority area and is keen to hear about new projects. They have a number of programmes which are currently accepting bids and staff at the funding event will provide an insight into the bidding process.

Cllr Dale Quigley, Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, said: “This is a must attend event for any groups looking to get funding for their project. It is rare that staff from two big funding groups are on hand to offer their advice and insight so I would not miss what could be a golden opportunity.”

As well as the talks, BIG Lottery and the Heritage Lottery Fund have agreed to hold a number of one-to-one appointments with projects; to register interest email a brief description of your project to adrian.harris@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk.

The event itself takes place from 10.30am – 12.00pm at Tuned In!, and is free. To register your place, go to:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/big-lottery-and-heritage-lottery-fund-seminar-tickets-26439392936.

By admin