A regional charity which supports families of prisoners is holding its annual general meeting and public meeting on Thursday 8 November 2018 at the Council Room, Hotel Indigo, Durham City, DH1 3HL.
Nepacs is a long standing charity which works across the north east region to help support a positive future for prisoners and their families. Its staff and volunteers provide much valued services to support friends and families of prisoners, in seven prison across the north east and within the community, including prison visitors’ centres, play areas, youth projects, family support and the Teesside, Newcastle and Durham courts project.
Members of the public are welcome to attend the event from 6.30pm to hear our guest speaker Kathy Evans, chief executive of Children England who will give an address entitled: More wealth than money on the added value which the voluntary sector can bring to providing services for the most vulnerable in society, including children affected by the imprisonment of a parent.
Kathy has been CEO of Children England since April 2013. During her career Kathy has been the Chair of the Standing Committee for Youth Justice, a trustee of the Children’s Rights Alliance for England, a member of the ACMD Hidden Harm implementation group and DCSF Care Matters advisory group. She was also consultant to the Police Foundation and Justice, devising potential alternatives to Youth Courts, to support the Independent Commission on Youth Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour.
If you would like to attend the meeting please get in touch with Nepacs by email ksimpson@nepacs.co.uk or telephone 0191 3323460.
For more information on Nepacs please visit our website www.nepacs.co.uk or follow us on facebook /nepacsinfo or twitter @nepacsinfo.