North East Connected

10 tips to help combat the cost of living

It has never been more expensive to own and run a vehicle, with the soaring cost to purchase a new car and the booming price of second-hand vehicles, plus the historic rise in petrol, diesel and electricity prices making many think twice about turning the ignition.

However, a personal finance comparison website says motorists struggling to meet the costs of running their vehicles can make substantial savings, particularly on their insurance. has 10 tips that could help household finances go a little further:

Greg Wilson, Founder of personal finance comparison site, comments: “Families are under more financial pressure than any time in recent memory, but there are a few simple changes that could help reduce unnecessary costs – especially where cars are concerned.

“I think most people are searching for ways to save and they might not know some of these simple facts and tips that could reduce their insurance premiums and, in some cases, save hundreds of pounds a year.

“The cost-of-living crisis is not likely to be resolved any time soon, so it’s worth reviewing household finances so people can find long-term tweaks and changes to their expenses, to help tighten the belt and safeguard for the future.” helps around 3 million users every year, with over 400 insurance brands across 60 different car insurance products as well as cover for bicyclesmotorbikes and home insurance. Recommended by 97% of reviewers on

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