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5 Proven ways to improve the Quality of Construction

ByDave Stopher

May 28, 2021

A well-defined quality management process is the best way to ensure client satisfaction in a construction project. Strict adherence to the procedure results in better job delivery, which further results in lesser rework and higher income.

Here is a compiled list of five proven ways to enhance a construction company’s emphasis on quality control.

Establish standards and Plan

Every project is different and necessitates a different set of quality specifications based on the contractual requirements and construction method.  The ability to evaluate and determine the quality of work completed is a move toward improved quality. For this to happen, realistic expectations must be set, understandably and feasibly.

Quality requirements include the integration of data from various sources, including:

  • International, state, and local building codes
  • Testing by Third-party and auditing standards
  • Vendor recommendations and specifications for all goods and equipment used in a project

If you don’t do your homework on how many cubic yards of concrete you need for a project and then remember halfway through that you need twice as much by tomorrow if you want to finish on time, guess who’s going to have a headache?

That’s correct: You.

Before beginning work on a project, you must devote time to determining the personnel, procedures, details, equipment, and materials required.  It is the most effective way to reduce delays and cost increases.

Controlling the workflow

Before and after each construction process, several quality control inspections and tests are required. Shifting the onus to later stages of construction and assuming that all QC tests can be completed just before the final permitting review will miss issues.

For example, issues with electrical and wiring systems must be detected immediately following the installation. Since the subcontractors are still on the job and ready for rework, identifying these problems will help avoid any significant design changes or demolition for the repairs.

Independent Audits and Performance measurements for your workers

Performance metrics are an excellent motivator for your employees, particularly when incentives accompany them. Set specific performance goals for your employees and consider rewarding them with a small financial incentive for each one they meet.

It will also improve your communication between your team, making it more efficient in terms of productivity.

Independent third-party tests and audits are regarded as the safest choice for ensuring high-quality standards. Regardless of their abilities, any project manager or professional builder can overlook certain problematic issues. A third-party vendor outfitted with all of the advanced testing tools would allow the contractor to double-check all work after it has been completed.

Staff Management

Your employees are the assetbuilding.com.au elements in your business.

The expertise of the staff involved has a direct impact on the standard of the building. Experienced employees will assist you in identifying flaws in your strategy before you begin. Involve them early in the planning phase to identify possible issues, and then keep in touch regularly during the project

Even the strongest company would struggle to maintain quality levels with an inexperienced workforce. A minor detail, such as the amount of air mixed into concrete or the depth of a weld, can distinguish between success and failure. Construction companies, thus, do not dismiss the idea of investing in comprehensive training courses to keep their workers up to date on all required skills.

Training is essential for productivity, particularly for construction supervisors who rely on sound management principles and techniques to keep projects on track.

You will quickly see gains in project productivity if you assist your staff in mastering the critical skills used in construction.


It’s the twenty-first century, which means there are many resources available to assist you with your job that you didn’t have access to not long ago. Various construction productivity software tools are available to address the common causes encountered during the quality control process. Miscommunication, obsolete records, and other related issues are reduced when both parties involved with the same project communicate effectively.

Bid management, billing and invoicing, contractors, record management, incident reporting, leads, timesheets, work schedule, and much more are all possible with construction management software. Good construction management software will keep you organized and free of paperwork on your desk, allowing you to concentrate on actually constructing things.

Furthermore, in your construction organization, there are asset management solutions that enable both on-site and off-site staff to capture and access sensitive asset performance data in real-time. You can maximize the usability of critical assets for day-to-day operations across all of your locations, houses, and plants by collecting and storing this data.

Asset management software allows companies to make the most of their money. Incorporating it into the construction industry, project owners, construction managers, and contractors would be able to improve assets vital for day-to-day operations.