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5 things that improves creativity in children


Oct 26, 2022

One of the most important skills that children need to develop is that of creativity. All children are born with that spark of creativity inside them and we just need to provide them the right kind of environment wherein they will naturally develop this skill. Its important to develop this skill since it plays an important role in the growth of the child’s social, mental, and emotional faculties. It improves their ability to solve problems and their critical thinking. Creativity in children should be encouraged since childhood and honed by practicing daily. Here are a few ways to boost the creativity in your child.

Explore the outdoors

Nature is the best teachers and taking your child out to explore the outdoors can really boost the creativity in them. Exploring the outdoors with your children allows them to see and feel new things which tickles their curiosity and improves their way of thinking. We should also encourage them to play outside in parks or playgrounds with other children because it improves their creative thinking skills. Putting children in a new environment enables them to think creatively and explore new things.

Teach them to play an instrument

Another great way to foster creativity in your child is to teach them an instrument of their choice. Research has shown that children who play an instrument or making paintings of space are more creative and do better at school. You can introduce them to some basic and easy instruments like the piano or drums when they are toddlers. Eventually they can go one to pursue learning the instrument of their choice when they get older. You can also play some instruments with them in order to expose them to music. Encourage your children to be a part of the school orchestra or choir and enrol them in an introductory class for music.

Use building toys

Certain toys such as building blocks or legos are not just used to engage children but can also be used to stretch their imagination. Encourage your child to play with these toys and allow free play during this time. During play time, you challenge you kids to build something new each day. This challenge is a great way to enable the child to come up with creative ways of reaching the end goal that has been set for them. You can also buy them their favourite building set and encourage them to use their imagination in various ways to create something that they love.

Create gifts

The holiday season brings with itself plenty of opportunities for gifting. This is a great time to make your kids work towards broadening their minds and getting creative with their gifts. Instead of buying a gift for someone from the store, ask you children to create something as a gift for their loved ones. The kids will not just enjoy making the gift but this activity will also keep them busy during the holiday season. Also, the gifts they will make will be personalized and more special than the ones bought from the store.

Create art

Last but not the least, art is one of the easiest ways to boost creativity in children is to create art with them. Adorn their walls with pictures that will inspire them to creative something of their own. One of the best ways to tickle their curiosity and imagination is to put up space art work in their rooms. This will make them curious about the outer space and mysteries of the universe and enable them to think creatively and imagine more.

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