• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

5 Trending Product Marketing Strategy in 2022

Product marketing is bringing a product to the market. It requires brand messaging, brand positioning, and strong strategies. Therefore, product marketing is an integral part of the marketing strategy. 

In simpler words, product marketing is how your product is shaped in the minds of your customers. It is done by shaping your product as per your target market’s needs by understanding the market’s demands. 

Despite spending millions of dollars, there are 80 % of the new products fail. 

Certain things make this happen : 

  • Lack of understanding of the market 
  • Wrong timing of product placement
  • Lack of communication with the target customers 
  • Less efficient marketing strategy 

After the arrival of Web 2.0, we are certain of a few things : 

  • Internet marketing will become more complex. 
  • Content marketing will be more important. 
  • Product marketing will take over. 

Therefore in this blog, we will discuss 5 trending product strategies that won’t let your newly launched product die ever. 

5 Must-Know Trending Product Marketing Strategy

#1 Know your customers 

Knowing your customers is the key to business success. Every successful business person knows their customers. It is the most effective and smoothest way to remain at the tip of the tongue of your customers. 

When you listen to your customers and incorporate those ideas into your product, they feel heard and valued by the brand. It further leads to brand honesty. 

#2 Embrace Personalization 

Personalization is eminent because it connects the customers with your brand. When someone likes a product because you have tailored it, the brain allows them to reflect on it positively. This personal touch allows them to connect with the product emotionally.

While adding personalization to every physical product is not economical, you can add personalization to digital products. It is low cost and loved by all. 

You can add a personal touch to your landing pages, emails, and messages as a brand. You can also personalize the social media widgets on your website.

It can be achieved through social media aggregator tools. Personalization helps visitors spend more time on the website and actively engage with the content you provide. It will also help you to reduce the bounce rate of your website. 

#3 Invest in online events 

Community building is one of the smartest ways to ensure your products do not fail. As a business owner, you need to establish meaningful connections with your target audience. It should be a give-and-take relationship. 

You can build your community in the following ways. 

  • Host live sessions on social media.
  • Organize giveaway contests
  • Talk to your audience in live sessions
  • Ask relevant questions on Instagram or Facebook stories 

#4 Become a storyteller 

Storytelling is not a skill, it’s an art. The better your storytelling, the better your brand will perform in the market. Storytelling is not just composing a good story about a brand. Rather, it is about telling an honest story about your brand in a raw and engaging form. An honest account helps the viewers and listeners connect with your brand emotionally. 

While writing a story about your brand, you can add the emotions like the vulnerability you have faced as a brand, your small successes, and the fun as an entrepreneur. 

It will let your viewers and listeners know about your journey and hard work. 

#5 Embed Instagram feed on your official website

Instagram has almost 1.2 billion users worldwide and 25 million brands. You will lose the game if you are still not churning this opportunity. 

According to a survey by Earthweb, 72% of millennials buy beauty products through Instagram. 

Embedding your Instagram account on your website will be helpful for you if you are a brand. It will help you let visitors know about your product at first glance. It can be achieved through social media aggregator tools. These tools also allow you to aggregate all the brand hashtags that your customers have used. Once you collect all the hashtags, you can embed Instagram Feed on your website. 

Embedding user-generated content on your website will help your customers know that you love them too. It will create brand honesty and brand advocacy. You can also embed videos that contain unboxing and reviews of your products. 


If you want to win the product marketing race, you must update yourself with the current marketing trends. In addition, you must adapt to changes if you do not want to become obsolete. 

As a brand, you should always follow the RACE framework – Reach, Act, Convert, and Engage. 

Post smart content on your social media feed, which will be enough to reach your target audience. Rest assured, you can follow the tips mentioned above to excel in your field.

By AnneG