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3 ways technology enables companies to gather and analyse B2B market research data

ByDave Stopher

Jul 18, 2022 #Business

Technology has been a pioneer in all industries. It helps people execute tasks that are usually very hard or impossible in a matter of minutes and days. If firm A from the US would like to get data from their competition and their sales in Asia back in the days that would be impossible to execute. Nowadays, it is all possible in a matter of days. The technological advances have enabled us to get access to any kind of information. Additionally this information is very fast, efficient and accurate. So, what are the main reasons we can use those advances in technology? We have listed below the 3 main key points:

  1. Online B2B surveys

With the creation of the internet we have access to people all over the globe. Thus, you can create a survey with the required questions and distribute it to any population. Additionally, you can target specific people and get the most accurate information from their submissions. So many decision makers try to monetize their knowledge nowadays. That could be because of many different reasons including sharing insights to bring value to the world, to earn money or to gain ideas of what is trending in the market and which info is on demand. There are plenty of platforms that pay B2B survey respondents for submitting correctly the data. Many individuals would prefer spending their lunch break earning extra money instead of sitting around.

  1. Reaching out directly to key decision makers

Apart from B2B market research data acquired through surveys you can actually reach out directly to some specific individuals and ask them questions over the phone. This is usually called expert calls done through expert networks. Some companies offer professional calls with very senior decision makers C-suite level or as otheriwse called expert insight calls. This enables companies to get easily information that they require and ask in depth queestions to the person of interest. New angles to the topic might come up during the conversation and the data acquired can be very helpful in the decision process.

  1. Data Analytical tools 

As we all know people used to count statistics and use mathematics in combination with stats to create projections, models and expectations of the market. This was very labour intensive, time consuming and super expensive since only few individuals were very good mathematicians or statisticians back in the days. However, with technology and all new softwares people can create models without any in depth knowledge of statistics or maths. Thus, B2B market research data has become much more accessible and easy to digest.

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