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6 Illnesses that Can be Treated by a Home Doctor

ByDave Stopher

Sep 19, 2020 #health

Sometimes an illness is so severe that you want to avoid the hassle and congestion in hospitals and emergency departments. Calling a home doctor can help you get medical assistance timely in the comfort of your home. Home doctors’ services are immensely beneficial, especially when dealing with respiratory conditions, flu, and other general illnesses.

You don’t have to worry about their competency; home doctors are extremely trained to diagnose and prescribe drugs appropriately.

Here are some illnesses that can be treated by a home doctor.

  1. Asthma

A significant number of Australians suffer from asthma. This is a common condition that is characterized by challenges in the lung’s airways. Asthma patients have sensitive airways that extremely react to cigarette smoking, respiratory tract infections, and allergies, among others. The primary symptoms of asthma are coughing, difficulty in breathing, and wheezing. Some patients report shortness of breath and a feeling of tightness in the chest.

A home doctor will identify the elements that trigger the airways and come up with the most appropriate medication. Additionally, the doctor will formulate a follow-up plan to evaluate how the patient is responding to medication. However, if the patient is experiencing severe symptoms such as an inability to speak, gasping for breath, or exhaustion, the patient is advised to go to the nearest hospital as fast as possible.

  1. Acute Respiratory Infections

We all suffer from respiratory infections at some point in life. The respiratory tract is prone to bacteria and viruses, especially during the cold season. The infections are classified into two; the upper and lower infections. The upper infections comprise of infections of throat, larynx, middle ear, tonsils, whooping cough, head colds, and influenza.

On the other hand, lower respiratory infections attack the lungs or the chest. The common lower tract infections are bronchiolitis, pneumonia, croup, and bronchitis. The doctor will assess common symptoms such as a core throat, runny nose, fever, headache, sneezing, and coughing and prescribe antibiotics if the bacterial infection is present.

  1. Skin Infections and Rashes

Numerous people suffer from rashes and other skin infections, such as staph infections and impetigo. The good thing is these infections can be handled by an after hours GP in Brisbane.

One of the leading skin infections is urticarial inflammation. This infection resembles mosquito bites and occurs when the immune system is triggered to release histamine.

  1. Elderly Disorders

It is more convenient to call a home doctor to treat patients aged 70 years and above rather than taking them to a hospital. Seniors suffer from illnesses such as acute delirium, gastro, heat exhaustion, pain from osteoarthritis, injuries, and respiratory tract infections, among others.

Instead of calling an ambulance when an elderly needs urgent medical attention, it is cost-effective and more convenient to get a home doctor. The doctor will assess whether a referral to an emergency department is necessary. It is also easier for a home doctor to follow up on a patient’s progress compared to a doctor based in a hospital.

  1. Eye Disorders

Eye complaints are medical conditions that can be handled comfortably by home doctors. These conditions include conjunctivitis, red eyes, and eye pain. However, if the condition is critical, the patient is advised to visit a hospital immediately.

Conjunctivitis is a serious illness that affects the white parts of the eye and is characterized by a green or yellow discharge, stickiness to the eyelids, and congested eyes. The condition is contagious, and the causes are either bacterial, viral, or allergy-related. The treatment process is not complicated; the doctor will put some drops into the eyes to treat the cause and symptoms of the disease.

Another condition that may need a home doctor’s attention is when a foreign object interferes with the eye. The doctor will remove a foreign object floating on the surface of the eye using a cotton bud. If the foreign object is causing sharp pain, it is imperative to go to an emergency department so that the object is removed in controlled conditions.

  1. Urinary Tract Infections

These infections mainly affect babies, women, and the elderly. The symptoms of urinary tract infections are a burning pain when urinating, the want to urinate frequently, blood in the urine, pain above the pubic bone, and a feeling that the bladder is full all the time. It is prudent to seek urgent medical attention to prevent the infection from spreading. A home doctor will provide antibiotics for immediate relief to patients.


Elizabeth is a renowned leader in the space of Health and Mental Wellness topics. Her work has appeared on more than a dozen influential sites and blogs. Her articles both focus on providing valuable information and an entertaining read that her readers enjoy. More about her work on – ELIZABETHMARKS.me

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