• Mon. Jan 13th, 2025

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

This summer more than 10,000 children aged four to 11 in North Yorkshire took part in the Summer Reading Challenge, The Big Friendly Read, which took place in libraries in collaboration with The Reading Agency and the Roald Dahl Literary Estate to celebrate 100 years of the world’s favourite storyteller.

Children signed up to read at least six library books over the summer holidays, collecting picture cards and other rewards along the way. More than 8,500 children completed the challenge and each was awarded a certificate, a medal and a dazzling pair of rainbow glasses.

A total of 120 events attended by more than 1,000 children were held over the summer holidays to encourage children to go to the library. Activities ranged from dream jar designing to potion science fun, cookie and chocolate making and creating a Snozzwanger!  There was also an opportunity to link some events to Creative Residencies Project activities running this year in four libraries; stop-frame animation workshops were run at Bilton and Woodfield with children creating wonderfully imaginative models for filming.

County Councillor Chris Metcalfe, Executive Member for Library and Information Services, said: “The Summer Reading Challenge is a great incentive to encourage children to read and use libraries over the summer. Over 120,000 books were borrowed by children from North Yorkshire’s libraries over a 10-week period, helping children to maintain and improve their reading skills over the summer holidays.  The challenge also provided a great opportunity for young volunteers to get involved with the fun, with 160 young people aged 11 to 24 giving up their time to support libraries and the children taking part.”

The Reading Agency has announced that the theme for the 2017 Summer Reading Challenge will be Animal Agents, which will feature clever creatures trained to use their skills and natural instincts to unravel mysteries.  Tony Ross, illustrator of the Horrid Henry series, will provide the illustrations.