• Tue. Feb 18th, 2025

North East Connected

Hopping Across The North East From Hub To Hub

Durham School Children become Radio Stars

Screen Shot 2015-09-24 at 14.49.35Durham School children tuned in for the Star Academy Media Day to learn the radio industry’s tricks of the trade.

The engaging day was part of Star Academy, a programme designed by Star Radio to train local schools, colleges and universities in the specialist field.

Over 40 enthusiastic children, aged 11 and 12, sourced local news to create a one hour radio show of their own which was aired on Sunday 21st September.

Speaking of the day, managing director of Star Radio, John Clayton said: “The Year 7s wrote their own newsworthy articles after we showed them how to pick and choose appropriate stories and information. After, using technical industry equipment, each pupil recorded themselves. Topics included sport, music and comedy.”

“Real life experience is invaluable to young people. Through Star Academy and the Media Days, as well as our other educational programmes, we’re hoping to help young people with their communication skills and confidence, which is vital in gaining employment, whatever career path they may take.”

Mrs Kath Rochester, director of co-curriculum at Durham School, worked closely with the Star Radio team members to arrange the day, she said: “The Star Academy Media Day inspired, excited and enthused all our Year 7 pupils through the opportunity to be journalists and radio presenters.

“The children developed their research, creative writing and presentation skills but more importantly seeing every child grow in confidence was a key benefit.  Thank you to Star Radio for a superb day.”

For more information on Star Academy which recently launched The Star Academy of Broadcasting and Digital Journalism course at Darlington College, please visit: http://www.starradionortheast.co.uk/

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