North East Connected

Entrepreneurs’ Forum Backs Remain Vote

remain vote largeLeading North East business group, the Entrepreneurs’ Forum has announced that it supports a Remain vote in the upcoming European Referendum, having previously held a neutral position.

The announcement follows a meeting of the Forum’s board, which considered polling of its membership and a vote on the referendum at its recent ‘Together We Can Take on the World’ conference. The data gathered shows that North East entrepreneurs are swinging towards a Remain vote, with 72% of conference attendees voting to stay in the EU, compared to 56% in February’s poll. Just 17% of those at the conference expressed a wish to leave the EU, compared to 32% in February. These figures are supported by a vote held at the North East Business Awards where 74% of attendees said they would vote to remain.

The Entrepreneurs’ Forum board, which is made up twelve prominent entrepreneurs from across the North East, was keen to point out the positive economic impact of Britain’s EU membership, citing statistics from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that show the strength of the UK’s economic performance compared to both EU and non-EU countries.

OECD figures show that in real terms British GDP has grown by 62% since we entered the single market, compared to 15% for Italy, 35% for Germany, 42% for France, and 48% for non-EU Switzerland. Similarly the ONS shows 69% growth over this period, compared to just 19% for Japan.

Entrepreneurs’ Forum chairman Nigel Mills said: “Having consulted our members and held a debate at our conference we are advocating that entrepreneurs and business people vote to remain. Much of the media coverage of the referendum has been negative, with the two campaigns competing to discredit each other and using fear based arguments to bring the public around to their way of thinking. The fact is that there is a very positive economic and business case for Britain to remain in the EU. Our EU membership has allowed us not only to outperform other EU nations, but other major global economies such as Japan.

“Entrepreneurs by our very nature are risk takers, so there has been some speculation that we are more likely to back a Leave vote than other members of the business community, but what needs to be understood is that we take calculated risks. Before an entrepreneur starts a company or makes a big decision they weigh up the probable outcomes, comparing the risks with the rewards, we know the risks involved in leaving the EU but any benefits remain to be seen. Inside the EU we have guaranteed, unencumbered access to 508 million of the world’s wealthiest consumers, it would be foolish to risk this without knowing what we would get in return.”

“Our organisation’s sole purpose is to help entrepreneurs bridge the ‘scale-up gap’ and grow their businesses, which in turn creates the jobs and wealth that the North East desperately needs. A vote to remain is a vote for continued job creation.”

Leading North East business group, the Entrepreneurs’ Forum has announced that it supports a Remain vote in the upcoming European Referendum, having previously held a neutral position.

The announcement follows a meeting of the Forum’s board, which considered polling of its membership and a vote on the referendum at its recent ‘Together We Can Take on the World’ conference. The data gathered shows that North East entrepreneurs are swinging towards a Remain vote, with 72% of conference attendees voting to stay in the EU, compared to 56% in February’s poll. Just 17% of those at the conference expressed a wish to leave the EU, compared to 32% in February. These figures are supported by a vote held at the North East Business Awards where 74% of attendees said they would vote to remain.

The Entrepreneurs’ Forum board, which is made up twelve prominent entrepreneurs from across the North East, was keen to point out the positive economic impact of Britain’s EU membership, citing statistics from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that show the strength of the UK’s economic performance compared to both EU and non-EU countries.

OECD figures show that in real terms British GDP has grown by 62% since we entered the single market, compared to 15% for Italy, 35% for Germany, 42% for France, and 48% for non-EU Switzerland. Similarly the ONS shows 69% growth over this period, compared to just 19% for Japan.

Entrepreneurs’ Forum chairman Nigel Mills said: “Having consulted our members and held a debate at our conference we are advocating that entrepreneurs and business people vote to remain. Much of the media coverage of the referendum has been negative, with the two campaigns competing to discredit each other and using fear based arguments to bring the public around to their way of thinking. The fact is that there is a very positive economic and business case for Britain to remain in the EU. Our EU membership has allowed us not only to outperform other EU nations, but other major global economies such as Japan.

“Entrepreneurs by our very nature are risk takers, so there has been some speculation that we are more likely to back a Leave vote than other members of the business community, but what needs to be understood is that we take calculated risks. Before an entrepreneur starts a company or makes a big decision they weigh up the probable outcomes, comparing the risks with the rewards, we know the risks involved in leaving the EU but any benefits remain to be seen. Inside the EU we have guaranteed, unencumbered access to 508 million of the world’s wealthiest consumers, it would be foolish to risk this without knowing what we would get in return.”

“Our organisation’s sole purpose is to help entrepreneurs bridge the ‘scale-up gap’ and grow their businesses, which in turn creates the jobs and wealth that the North East desperately needs. A vote to remain is a vote for continued job creation.”

Leading North East business group, the Entrepreneurs’ Forum has announced that it supports a Remain vote in the upcoming European Referendum, having previously held a neutral position.

The announcement follows a meeting of the Forum’s board, which considered polling of its membership and a vote on the referendum at its recent ‘Together We Can Take on the World’ conference. The data gathered shows that North East entrepreneurs are swinging towards a Remain vote, with 72% of conference attendees voting to stay in the EU, compared to 56% in February’s poll. Just 17% of those at the conference expressed a wish to leave the EU, compared to 32% in February. These figures are supported by a vote held at the North East Business Awards where 74% of attendees said they would vote to remain.

The Entrepreneurs’ Forum board, which is made up twelve prominent entrepreneurs from across the North East, was keen to point out the positive economic impact of Britain’s EU membership, citing statistics from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that show the strength of the UK’s economic performance compared to both EU and non-EU countries.

OECD figures show that in real terms British GDP has grown by 62% since we entered the single market, compared to 15% for Italy, 35% for Germany, 42% for France, and 48% for non-EU Switzerland. Similarly the ONS shows 69% growth over this period, compared to just 19% for Japan.

Entrepreneurs’ Forum chairman Nigel Mills said: “Having consulted our members and held a debate at our conference we are advocating that entrepreneurs and business people vote to remain. Much of the media coverage of the referendum has been negative, with the two campaigns competing to discredit each other and using fear based arguments to bring the public around to their way of thinking. The fact is that there is a very positive economic and business case for Britain to remain in the EU. Our EU membership has allowed us not only to outperform other EU nations, but other major global economies such as Japan.

“Entrepreneurs by our very nature are risk takers, so there has been some speculation that we are more likely to back a Leave vote than other members of the business community, but what needs to be understood is that we take calculated risks. Before an entrepreneur starts a company or makes a big decision they weigh up the probable outcomes, comparing the risks with the rewards, we know the risks involved in leaving the EU but any benefits remain to be seen. Inside the EU we have guaranteed, unencumbered access to 508 million of the world’s wealthiest consumers, it would be foolish to risk this without knowing what we would get in return.”

“Our organisation’s sole purpose is to help entrepreneurs bridge the ‘scale-up gap’ and grow their businesses, which in turn creates the jobs and wealth that the North East desperately needs. A vote to remain is a vote for continued job creation.”

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