It’s true that all of us need a helping hand with our health every now and then, and our diets are no exception. When it comes to food, we all have certain needs, whether that be allergies, illnesses or simply tastes. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming managing your diet on your own, and that’s where a nutritionist very similar to those at JM Nutrition in Edmonton can come in to help guide you. In this article, we will outline five of the main benefits of consulting a nutritionist. Hopefully, this will be able to guide you on whether consulting a nutritionist would be a good idea for you.
What is a Nutritionist?
Let’s answer the question: what is a nutritionist? Put simply, a nutritionist is a job role that focuses on the science of food. Through this knowledge, they can advise both individuals and groups on making the best choices about what they eat and how their food choices will impact their health and wellbeing.
Nutritionists can speak to individual patients, groups of people (like in schools) or be booked for personalised consultations for general advice and support. You can visit a nutritionist in person or make an online booking for your convenience. You will need to pay for some appointments with nutritionists, as while the first consultation may be free, you will then need to pay for any further information and diet plans. If you have been referred to a nutritionist by your doctor or a health professional, then you may not have to pay, particularly if your health insurance covers this type of appointment.
Nutritionists need to possess a qualification in the area, typically a degree or a Master’s degree. Registered Associate Nutritionists (ANutrs) will hold a minimum of an honours degree in nutritional sciences or a related subject. This allows them to be qualified to provide scientific advice. Registered Nutritionists (RNutrs) will hold the necessary qualifications, in addition to numerous years of experience in the field. They may also hold specific specialist knowledge in the area of nutrition.
Tailor Your Diet
Nutritionists can help tailor your diet to fit your individual needs. They can create a plan that’s both easy to follow, is affordable for you and that fits your nutritional needs. After all, planning out your meals and prepping meals can be great for your bank account as well as your diet. Some diet plans may include fasting or drinking the best juice cleanse for weight loss. If you have carefully planned out your meals, it means that you’ll be less likely to be tempted by high-fat or sugary foods.
Most of us have certain potentially harmful foods and drinks in our diet that we feel we can’t live without. For example, many of us drink too much caffeine. To ease the transition away from artificial or overly caffeinated drinks, a nutritionist can recommend caffeine alternatives such as naturally energising drinks like the ones from Ful. A good nutritionist will want a new diet plan to be sustainable and enjoyable as much as possible.
Manage Chronic Diseases
Proper nutrition can help to manage chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes. This will, of course, be in line with the advice and medication given to you by your doctor. Not only can a healthy diet help to manage certain conditions, but it can also help to lower your risk of obesity, certain cancers, type 2 diabetes and obesity. Plus, it can lengthen your life expectancy. You can discuss any concerns or health issues you have with your nutritionist, and they will help tailor the eating plan for your needs.
Feel Educated About Allergies and Intolerances
Being diagnosed with food allergies and intolerances can feel both overwhelming and relief. This is because you’ll finally be able to target your diet to help manage your allergic reactions. Consulting a nutritionist can allow you to ask direct questions about the types of foods and ingredients that could cause you to suffer a negative reaction. This can be handy for people who need to change their diets completely. For example, someone with a severe gluten allergy will need to alter their diet so that they can live comfortably, as symptoms of a gluten allergy, such as sickness and bloating, can be unpleasant to live with.
Meeting Your Goals
We all have goals for our health and wellness. This could be to lose weight, gain weight, gain muscle, manage your health condition or achieve more during sports and exercise. You will be able to discuss these goals with your nutritionist and they will be able to help you to prioritise these goals. This will likely help to encourage you to stick to your diet plan, as knowing that eating healthily can help you to meet your goals will certainly help to keep you motivated.
In case your budget allows for it, and if your goals are about getting fitter, then you could also consider consulting a personal trainer to help you to reach your goals faster. Some personal trainers are also trained nutritionists, so they will be well-equipped to help you.
Feeling Healthy and Happy
Overall, getting into a healthy eating routine can make you feel better. Your body doesn’t need to work as hard, and you’ll likely possess much more energy than you did before. This is in combination with good lifestyle choices, like getting into an exercise routine, minimising stress, getting enough sleep and sunlight (if possible). A combination of positive lifestyle choices can allow you to feel the best you’ve ever felt, and nutrition is at the core of this.
Final Thoughts
That concludes our article covering the five main benefits of consulting a nutritionist! If you feel like a nutritionist could benefit your life, then your next steps will be to book an appointment. It’s a great idea to do your own research into nutritionists near you to help you select the best one.
You may also be able to be referred to a nutritionist through a doctor or medical professional, as they can advise you on what nutritionist specialises in your specific needs. You will also need to keep in mind the costs of hiring a nutritionist and how much it will cost for them to create a tailored diet plan.
We hope that you found this article helpful and that you’re ready to take the next steps to help support your healthy lifestyle.