Landlords in Ryedale are being urged to attend a specialist forum to access free information on the changing responsibilities that they are facing.
The Spring forum will take place on 16 March and follows the national roll out of new ‘Right to Rent’ legislation in early February.
Helen Edge, Chief Immigration Officer from the Immigration Service, is delivering a speech on the new law and is set to prove one of the evening’s highlights.
The event – which is being held at Ryedale House in Malton – also invites landlords and agents to watch a series of presentations on the Deregulation Act, insurance responsibilities and how to prevent Legionnaires disease.
Guests will have the opportunity to browse a range of ‘marketplace’ style stalls from local and national experts, including Crombie Wilkinson Solicitors, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue, Bulmers Letting Agency, the National Landlords Association, Ryedale District Council, the Ryedale Community Safety team and many more.
Carbon Monoxide and fire alarm specialists AICO will provide those in attendance with a copy of their new ‘Landlord’s Guide to Smoke and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarms’.
Housing Services Manager Kim Robertshaw commented: “We are looking forward to hosting a Spring forum. Feedback from the last event was very positive with 90 per cent of attendees claiming that they would regularly attend such meetings.”
“The council value the opinions of local landlords and we will be including a briefing about measures that landlords must take to prevent legionnaires disease as requested by previous attendees”.
The event is to be held on Wednesday 16th March 2016 and is free of charge. The marketplace will be open between 4 – 7pm with presentations commencing at 5pm.
A complementary buffet will be provided and all guests will receive a free landlord information pack.
To book your place at the event or for more information, please call 01653 600666, e-mail or text 07801 902 911 including your name and contact details.