CHILDREN, FAMILIES AND VISITORS have even more opportunities to enjoy this year’s Sunderland Illuminations and Festival of Light during the half term holidays.
The viewing times for the ticket only Festival of Light in Roker Park have been extended next week, with gates open every night of half-term holidays 5 – 10pm (last admission to the park 9pm).
This will allow even more people the chance to visit the Festival of Light as part of their Sunderland Illuminations experience. In addition to the park, attractions along the seafront from Roker to Seaburn include the giant big-wheel and fairground on Cliffe Park, open 5-10pm throughout the event (5 0ct – 5 Nov).
Sunderland City Council Portfolio Holder for Public Health, Wellness and Culture, Councillor John Kelly said: “During the school holidays next week we’ll open the park for three extra evenings, which will give even more people the chance to enjoy what I think is one of the best lights displays we have ever had in Roker Park.
“People’s reactions to some of the new attraction have been fantastic. The children have loved the Disney characters especially those from ‘Frozen’ while the grown-ups have been intrigued by the award winning ‘Heart Beat’ and light projections on the cascade.
“This year’s event has already attracted large crowds, so to avoid queues or the festival being sold-out I’d encourage everyone to buy their £1 tickets online well in advance.”
Councillor Kelly added: “Buying your ticket online is not only more convenient, it’s basically a money back offer because each ticket contains a £1 off voucher for this year’s Sunderland Empire pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk.
“We’ve also tried to make visitor journeys to Sunderland Illuminations and Festival of Light easier, with a Park and Ride service from Keel Square in the city centre to the seafront among the extra travel arrangements in place.”
For more event information and to buy tickets online please